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Josie pulled a muffin out of the container and peeled off its baking paper before she plunked it down on the plate in front of him.

He chirped out a thanks and then began demolishing it.

She turned to me with hands on her hips. “So, did you attack the pink fortress?”

I grimaced. I had a vague feeling I knew what she was getting at, but I didn’t want to discuss it. Especially not with her.

My hand tunneled through my hair in frustration. “What in God’s name are you talking about, woman? Just say what you mean.”

She tilted her head in Kody’s direction. “I was trying to spare little ears. But I take it from that grumpy response that there was no hanky panky involved. You struck out, huh?”

“I didn’t strike out,” I grumbled. “She didn’t live up to expectations.”

“Oh!” she drew out the word sarcastically. “So, you did play hide the salami, but she didn’t meet the standards of the master delicatessen owner?”

Christ. Josie knew how to needle me like no other. I felt a headache coming on.

Kody crammed the last bit of muffin into his mouth and then began climbing down from the chair. Before he escaped, Josie wrangled him over to the sink to wipe his face and wash his hands. As soon as she set him free, he scampered off to find some toys in the other room.

Josie turned to me, waiting for an explanation. She was like a junkyard dog with a bone.

“We had a nice dinner and then I came home. End of story.”

“Nothing happened?” She didn’t sound convinced. “I thought the entire purpose of me staying overnight to watch Kody was so that you could make the beast with two backs?”

“Let’s just call it sex! Or fucking. Your choice. And it didn’t happen last night. Are you satisfied?”

“Jeesh,” — she threw up her hands — “don’t take it out on me!”

“Sorry. I just had high hopes the night would end differently.”

I met Addison at a party about a month ago. She zeroed in on me right away. She was full of energy and really sexy, so it’d boosted my ego a bit since I was in a serious dry spell as far as women went.

My entire lifestyle changed virtually overnight when I found out I was a father. Since then, sure, I’d had sex with groupies while I was on tour, but they’d all been fast, soulless transactions only meant to slake my thirst. I hadn’t spent more than an hour with any of them. I always felt the need to get back to Kody as soon as a show was over, so sex was quick and dirty.

Off-tour, my sex life was non-existent. When Sid and I used to live together, we were partying every night. Now Sid was married to my little sister, and they were expecting twins. My other bandmates were no better. Ryder had a wife and an eight-month-old baby. Knox was talking about getting married to Summer. Hell, even Ghost was in a serious relationship, even if it was with two other people. Hanging out with all of them was still fun, but it was completely different from the old days.

In a way, I felt like I was getting left behind. I’d started thinking that maybe it was time that I settled down, too. I was 32 years old and had a kid. Maybe it wasn’t completely fulfilling to stick my dick in any willing hot chick. Maybe it was time to date around and find the woman that I wanted to spend my life with. I’d watched my bandmates fall in love with incredible women and damn if I didn’t feel a bit of jealousy. I wanted that, but I wasn’t sure how to get it.

So, after hanging out with a bunch of couples for too long after our last tour, I jumped at the chance to go to a party. I’d become friends with Davis, a guy in an upcoming band that I’d met on tour last year. He was as wild as I used to be.

He was in town between tours, so he invited me out a few times. I met Addison one of those nights when I was out with his crew. She and I ended up fucking that night in the coat room.

I was intrigued by her. She was flirty and sexy, making me feel special. The sex was quick, but it had been hot, so I got her number.

I thought about her a lot, so after a few days, I gave her a call. She was going out with friends, so she invited me to meet her at a club. That second meeting, she gave me a quick and dirty blowjob in a car full of drunk people.

Maybe that should have been my warning. I didn’t really give a shit who saw her give me a blowjob, but why didn’t she? They were her friends. If I was being honest with myself, it made me slightly uncomfortable. I tried to brush it off. She was younger than me, around 25 years old, and she still partied hard. It’s not like I wasn’t like that when I was 25.

The next time we met, she was out with her friends again. She was hammered by the time I got there. I left after I made sure she got home safely, despite her slurring pleas for me to fuck her.

That led me to last night. I had asked her out to dinner so that I could get to know her better. On a real date. Just her and me.

Dinner was great. She was sweet. She asked about my music, my friends, and my experiences with my band, Ghost Parker. I even told her about Kody. She seemed really interested in everything I had to say.

I found out more about her. She told me about growing up in southern California and about her large family. She and her friends hung around the underground rock scene in L.A. — that’s how she knew Davis and his band. Addison was younger, so she did talk a lot about partying and had thought little about her future, but that was okay.

She knew that I’d booked a hotel room so that we could spend the night together. I wanted to take my time and explore every inch of her. I had a feeling she was used to taking everything fast, and I wanted to show her that slow and thorough could be amazing.
