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Bess felt his shudder and his misstep and a smile curved her mouth. She enjoyed the sense of power.

Jack’s stride lengthened and it seemed only seconds before they reached his accommodation. But instead of putting her down he somehow managed to keep her in his arms and unlock the door, nudging it shut behind them as he strode through the vast living space to the bedroom.

Then they were on the bed, his weight pressing her into the mattress and a great ache started up inside her at the delicious familiarity of it. At the thousands of memories that rose. Of the ecstasy they’d shared, the optimistic hopes she’d dreamt in Jack’s arms.

She swallowed hard. Her dreams of romance had shattered. She’d never go down the track again, not with this man. For she was determined to conquer that hopeless yearning.

Instead she’d take tonight for what it was. Fleeting physical pleasure. Jack was good at that and she might as well make the most of it.

‘Elisabeth? Where have you gone?’

Even in the darkness, reaching across to the bedside cabinet and its store of condoms, he’d noticed the change in her.

Jack was far too prescient. She preferred it when he was too busy reacting to sexual stimuli to read her thoughts.

She reached up, grabbed both sides of his open collar and pulled hard. A button hit her chin as his shirt ripped open, then her palms were on his chest, soaking up his heat, feeling the friction from that dusting of dark hair across his pectoral muscles.

He made an inarticulate sound at the back of his throat then galvanised into movement, undoing his trousers and tearing open a condom packet with his teeth.

His urgency spurred her on, pushing his shirt off his shoulders. They became entangled and he rose from the bed, shrugging out of his shirt and shoving the rest of his clothes down in one urgent movement.

There was enough light through the open curtains for her to appreciate the spectacular view as he toed off his shoes and freed himself of his clothes.

Jack had a magnetism that was accentuated by his bespoke clothes. In public he was urbane, rarely allowing his ruthlessness to show through. But naked he stripped down to a figure so purely, elementally masculine that Bess suppressed a sigh. With his wide, straight shoulders, narrow hips and powerfully muscled chest and thighs he might have modelled as a warrior for some ancient sculptor.

‘How fond are you of that dress?’ he asked as he rolled on protection.

‘It’s new and I like it.’

‘Then take it off unless you want it damaged like my shirt.’

Bess blinked. Never, no matter how urgent their need, had Jack threatened to tear her clothes off.

She liked it. Liked it too much.

But what was too much? Tonight was about giving in to simple lust.

She almost didn’t move. What would it be like to have those large hands tearing the silk from her body? He’d do it, too. She read determination in the set of his jaw and the twitch of his fingers as he stepped towards the bed.

But these days she lived on a limited budget, her work not particularly well paid, so her new dresses were real luxuries. Or maybe she wasn’t as bold as she thought. Either way she found herself unzipping the red silk and shimmying out of it, tossing it aside as Jack knelt at the end of the bed. Her heart beat a crazy tattoo as if trying to leap out of her chest.

‘Better,’ he murmured, reaching for her lace knickers. ‘But these have to go.’

Bess arched up so he could pull them down. Instead, hooking his fingers in the top, he simply yanked and the delicate fabric tore free. Eyes wide, she watched him toss the pale lace over his shoulder.

Excitement shivered through her and that pulse between her thighs became an urgent throb.

‘You like that, do you?’ His smile was a caress, the rumbling note of his voice pure seduction. ‘I hadn’t realised till now that my wife had a taste for such things.’

She would have protested his choice of words—my wifewhen she was in all but legality his ex—but her throat had dried with excitement. For he was prowling up the bed on all fours, a sensual predator, and she’d never felt more aroused in her life.

One large hand covered her thigh and pushed it wide, then her other thigh, leaving her wide open. His smile died and she heard as well as saw him heft a deep breath as he surveyed her.

Bess gloried in the power of her feminine allure as she watched Jack battle for control. He was breathing hard, the tendons in his neck standing proud and his arousal impressive. She reached for him but he shook his head and moved to lower himself between her legs, his breath hot against her pubic hair.


His head jerked up. ‘No?’
