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Yesterday, we met with Henry, Hale’s attorney. My husband insisted on making sure that my name is on all of his accounts. He wants me to have access to everything. I tried to point out that he built his businesses long before I came into his life, but he said he doesn’t believe in splitting assets.

While we were there, I did ask for one thing. I asked Henry to add my name to Ollie’s guardianship papers. I love Ollie so much. He’s mine. Just like Hale is.

“What did I think about what?” I ask, blinking at Ginger.

“You know, thethinghe did,” Gabby says as she puts another pan of brownies in the oven. Her brownies are so sweet that they give me a sugar high that seems to last for days.

I think she’s referring to the bondage scene in the book where the hero ties the heroine up. I nibble on a bite of my still-warm brownie. “It was steamy.”

The truth is, I read that scene three times in one sitting. I’m not sure that I’m brave enough to try something like that just yet. But that doesn’t mean a girl doesn’t fantasize. If I brought it up with Hale, I have no doubt he’d be willing to give it a try. In or out of the bedroom, all I have to do is ask him for what I need. He’s always happy to deliver.

“The brother’s best friend trope just isn’t for me.” Mackenzie wrinkles her nose then glances at Ginger. “Sorry.”

Ginger wiggles her eyebrows. “That's because you don't have a brother with a hot best friend.”

I'm pretty sure that Ginger is not so secretly in love with her older brother's best friend, Grizz. He's a hulking mountain man who runs the camping store here in town.

Before I can comment and tell her to go for it, the direction of our conversation changes and we’re discussing Gwen’s new book. She’s another woman who lives in these mountains with her husband. But unlike us, she doesn’t just read steamy books. She writes them too.

By the time I leave our meeting, my stomach hurts from laughing with the girls, and I have a pan full of brownies to take home with me. I always leave the book club feeling lighter and happier than when I arrived, which is saying something because my life is already pretty awesome.

When I get home, I come into the cabin quietly in case Ollie is sleeping. He’s not, but he’s well on his way. Hale is holding him in the rocking chair in the nursery. They’re reading a book together about a little otter looking for home. Ollie’s eyes are already starting to droop, and I can’t say I blame him. There’s just something soothing about the deep rumble of my husband’s voice.

Hale looks up when he hears me in the doorway. His beard has bits of baby cereal in it, and I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know which bodily fluid has stained his T-shirt. “Why don’t you let me take over for a few minutes?”

It’s what he asks me every time he gets off work. He loves running the gym, but he’s training Susie to take over more of the day-to-day operations. He says he wants to spend more time with Ollie and me.

He passes me our son and kisses me on the lips. It’s a deep kiss, promising a night filled with delight once our boy is asleep.

I finish the story with Ollie who drifts off easily once I put him in the crib. I watch over him for a few minutes. My life is perfect, and now I’m going for a shower with my husband.

* * *


I letthe shower water beat down on my back and melt into the warmth. I love nights when I get to hang out with Ollie by myself. But I can’t deny that it’s exhausting keeping up with my son. He’s getting big, and he’s crawling now.

He’s hitting milestones faster than ever thanks to all of Ivy’s tender care. She’s an amazing mother. I know she’ll be just as amazing when it’s time to grow our family in a new way.

Just as I’m thinking about her, warm palms slide over my abdomen. Her hot lips are on my back, searing my flesh in the best way. “Hey there, husband.”

“Wife,” I growl the word as she presses her tits against my back.

Her hands dip lower as she grasps my aching cock. She struggles to take my girth. She always does, but it doesn’t matter to me. Just the feel of her touching me is enough to send my body into overdrive. I instinctively drive my hips forward, thrusting into her hand.

She slides her soapy fingers along my balls, caressing me there. Then she’s whispering in my ear, her breath hot against my skin, “You’re so good to me.”

“And I’m about to be even better,” I grunt and gently move her hands. I turn around and scoop her into my arms. If my balls weren’t nearly ready to explode, I’d carry her to bed and take her nice and slow. But I’m barely hanging on and when I slide one thick finger into her pussy, she’s already sopping wet. “Someone got horny during book club.”

She thinks I’m being nice whenever I tell her to go to book club. She thinks it’s a great sacrifice for me. While I do miss her in the evenings when she’s gone, the truth is she comes home so damn horny. She’s always soaking wet and begging me to fuck her on those nights.

Last time, she wanted me to stretch her across the kitchen island and pound into her from behind. I was more than happy to oblige. When my woman bent over and offered herself, I rammed hard into her tight hole and worked her little clit until she was a trembling, incoherent mess.

She whimpers, her body clamping down on my digit. “I feel so empty when I’m there.”

“That’s because you need your man filling you.” I pull my finger from her sweet channel. Her juices glisten on it, and I hold it up to her lips. She sucks, groaning at her taste. “That’s a good girl. Hollow those cheeks just like you do when I put you on your knees.”

The moment she does, I thrust hard into her pussy. It’s a snug fit. She makes me work for every damn inch, squeezing my shoulders as her nails dig into my flesh. Fuck, I love the morning after an intense night. Love walking around knowing her marks are all over my body while mine are on hers.
