Page 27 of Lucky's Streak

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By the time I make it back to Luka and Lucky, they’re just finishing their conversation. One that doesn’t seem to sit well with Lucky.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, glancing between the two.

“Yeah, baby, everything’s good. Luka just needed to talk to me about our parents.”

“Oh . . .” I’m surprised that he shared something personal with me. It’s something he’s never done. Other than knowing he had a brother, I don’t know anything about his past.

“Our mother isn’t doing good, and Luka needs my signature on paperwork since my name is still on shit.”

“Um, okay.” That’s even more confusing.

“Our mother has breast cancer and is losing the battle. Our father doesn’t have a voice in the matter as that’s how our mother set everything up. Lucky and I are the ones who decide things within the family as per her power of attorney paperwork. Same goes for our father. Neither of them wanted the other to have to make the tough decisions,” Luka explains.

“I see.” I nod, glancing between brothers.

“Yeah, and now, she’s declining and they want to take her off life support,” Lucky grunts, shaking his head.

My heart lurches and I feel horrible that Lucky now has to make such a decision. I hate it for both of them. “I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry about, baby,” Lucky mutters, stretching an arm out, inviting me to come to him.

This I do without thinking. He needs comfort, and I want to give it to him.

Tilting my head back, I glance up at him as he wraps his arms around me. “Still, I’m sorry.”

“Not close with either of them, Chels. The only reason I have to do this with Luka is ‘cause they’re pains in the ass and could never make anything simple. They were pissed I left home, but they knew the family decisions would be given to both Luka and me. It’s how our grandparents wanted it to be, how it’s always been. They see it as a way to keep the family close without letting anyone be without.”

From the way Lucky says this, I get the sense he doesn’t like it. Not in the least bit.

“So, I take it you guys have made a decision and that’s not sitting well with either of you.”

“It’s not easy.” Luka nods.

“I’m sure it’s not. No matter how close or not you are to someone, it still hurts. I wish I could help.” And I meant it. Having lost my dad, who I loved deeply, I know it’s not easy. It never will be.

“Appreciate it,” Luka remarks and looks at his brother. “I’ll let the doctors know our decision.”

“Good.” Lucky grunts.

“Before I go, how about we have a late lunch?” Luka suggests.

“Don’t have anything in the fridge.”

“It’s a good thing I stopped on the way here. There’s steaks, red potatoes, and zucchini.” Luka grins. “Oh, and beer.”

“You thought of everything.” I giggle, unable to keep from doing so.

“That I did.” Luka chuckles.

“Right then, I’ll start the grill. You two get the other shit in the oven and going,” Lucky mutters. He presses a kiss to the side of my head and lets me go.

I watch as he walks away, and I don’t miss the pain that he’s doing everything he can to hide. From the way he’s acting, I know it’s affecting him, knowing he’s losing his mother, no matter the fact they’re not close. Or that’s what I’m getting since he doesn’t want to go to her. This actually sucks because I wish it were different for him.

* * *

“You okay?” I ask, staring across the porch from my spot on the porch swing. My eyes locked on the man standing at the edge of the stairs leading down, his eyes come to me at the sound of my voice.

After he’d gone to start the grill, I’d left him and his brother alone to talk and do whatever. As they did this, I found my way around Lucky’s kitchen where I put together the sides to go with the steaks. Lucky came in long enough to get the meat and go back out. He didn’t say anything, and I knew he was in his head.
