Page 107 of Under the Stars

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“I need help. My girlfriend fell through the ice. She’s unconscious.” My voice didn’t sound like my own. It was shrill and panicked, and I was on the verge of losing it.

The operator shouted all sorts of orders at me, and when I realized there was no way for anyone to get to us quicker than I could get her to the hospital, I moved behind the wheel, with Georgia in my arms, and raced down the mountain.

“I’m on my way to the hospital.” I ended the call and demanded Siri dial Hugh Reynolds.

“My man. How did it go?”

A strained sob left my throat again as I raced down the road.

“Maddox.” Hugh’s voice was laced with panic.

“She fell through the fucking ice!” I shouted, finding my voice now. “I don’t have time to get her to the city. I’m going to the closest hospital.”

“The hospital is a few blocks from Reynolds’. You’re close. Is she breathing?”

I couldn’t speak again as I looked down at her as she lay lifeless on my lap. “Breathe, baby!”

I ended the call and swiped at my eyes. My vision blurred as I approached a red light. I laid on the horn and flew right through it, knowing the hospital was not far. I pushed the gas pedal down and sped into the hospital parking lot, driving over a curb to get there faster. When I pulled in front of the emergency room, I put the car in park just as a group of people came flying out the door, and I lifted Georgia in my arms, hurrying out of the car. I didn’t know how they knew we were coming, but I figured Hugh must have made a call. Blood poured from her head down her face, and three men reached to take her from me.

I didn’t let go at first, and I choked on a sob.

“Sir, we need to see what’s going on. Please, let us take her.”

I held on to her hand when they took her from me, and I followed them over to the gurney where they laid her down.

Her hand slipped from mine as they hurried inside, and I followed them, quickly answering their questions as fast as I could, but everything was happening so fast.

“How long do you think she was under the water?” one of the men asked me, as another group of people hurried in our direction to help when we moved through the waiting room.

“Maybe two minutes?” I shook my head. “I don’t fucking know. She wasn’t breathing at first. But she coughed up a lot of water. I did CPR, and she started breathing.”

They moved her toward the double doors, and the guy talking stopped me. “You need to wait here. We will do everything we can and be out as quickly as possible. Where did the head injury come from?”

“I don’t fucking know. I think she hit her head when she fell in or maybe she hit it beneath the ice when she was trying to get out,” I said, shaking my head with disbelief.

“Okay. Thank you. We’ll be out as quickly as we can.”

I stood there, staring at the double doors where they’d taken her, and rage suddenly took over. No fucking way was I standing out here.

She needed me.

I pushed through the doors, and two guys moved toward me and asked me to leave, and I swung.

“I’m fucking staying with her!” I wailed, just as two arms came around me from behind and squeezed tight.

“I’ve got him. He’s just upset.” It was Hugh’s voice.

“We need you both out of here. We can’t help her if we’re fighting you.”

I threw my hands in the air in surrender, and Hugh walked backward through the doors as he kept hold of me. Once we were out in the hallway, he turned me around to face him and wrapped his arms around me.

“You’re okay. Breathe. Tell me what happened.” His voice was eerily calm.

I stepped back, looking down to see my hands covered in blood. My clothes were covered in blood and soaked. “I don’t know. She ran down to the ice while I was setting the food down. And we were talking. We were fucking talking. And then she just fell through the ice. There was no warning. She was just gone.”

I leaned against the wall. I couldn’t catch my breath.

I couldn’t fucking live in a world that Georgia Reynolds wasn’t in.
