Page 129 of Under the Stars

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“Well, now that I’m an unemployed sports journalist, I’ll have more time on my hands. Maybe I’ll start making jam in jars. Or growing my own vegetables. Yes, that’s what I’ll do. And then I’ll go to Lincoln Hendrix’s next game and chuck big melons at him from the stands,” she seethed.

“This kind of anger isn’t healthy,” I reminded her. “Put him in your rearview mirror and move forward. When one door closes, another opens.”

She groaned. “You’re like a walking mantra. He closed that door in my face, and payback is a bitch. I’ll walk through this new door, but I will find a way to get revenge on that guy. From now on, we all curse the ground he walks on. You got it?”

Maddox cringed. Lincoln Hendrix was his favorite player. He was a huge fan, and he’d been anxiously awaiting his announcement about where he would play next year.

“Done!” I shouted. “Lincoln Hendrix is enemy number one.”

Maddox rolled his eyes before turning back toward the phone. “You need help to get packed up?”

“Nope. My apartment is small, and I can be out of there in a few days. I love you guys. I’ll see you soon.”

She ended the call, and I leaned against Maddox’s shoulder. “Thanks for offering her the house. That was really sweet of you.”

“Baby,” he whispered. “How serious is she about us all hating Lincoln Hendrix?”

I turned in his arms to face him. “She’s a bit of a grudge holder. We still can’t speak of Timmy Wilson because he kicked her bike over at the park when she was in third grade.”

“Shit. Isn’t Lincoln all three of your brothers’ favorite player, too?” His voice was so concerned it was difficult not to laugh.

“Yep. They’re big fans.”

“And we all just hate him now?”

I shrugged. “It’s sort of what we do. I won’t tell on you if you keep your secret man crush private.”

He moved so fast I didn’t see him coming. He had me on my back on the couch as he hovered above me. “I only have one crush, and it’s on my future wife.”

“There you go again. Don’t threaten me with a good time. Put your money where your mouth is, Bossman.”

His mouth crashed into mine in response, and my lips parted in invitation.

Because I couldn’t get enough of this man.

And I never would.

The End
