Page 29 of Under the Stars

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That’s what she said! LOL. You set me up for that one. I wasn’t done with the story, but I got bubbles on my hands, and I had to wipe them off.


Ridiculous sense of humor. Why are you playing with bubbles?

I’m in the tub. I added bubbles, and they got on my hand. Anyway…


Is it appropriate to be texting your boss when you’re naked in the tub?

Is it appropriate for my boss to be texting me this late or inquiring about my ex?


Touché. Finish the story. You’re in the back room. The fire alarm gets pulled.

I run to find him, right? Because if the place goes up in flames, you should make sure your partner is safe. There was an exit right next to the room I was in, and I didn’t take it. I ran to the stage to find him. But he’d run out the front door. Not a care in the world about making sure I got out. And I found him talking with his bandmates and laughing afterward. He didn’t come to find me. So, I knew I was done in that moment.


Who the fuck does that?

Dikota Smith.


It’s a stupid name. So, you dumped him. And then he stole your car?

I wish it were that simple. I dumped him. He tried to get me back, and I ignored him. So, he slept with my roommate because he was having a temper tantrum.


You can’t make this shit up. And then he stole your car after boning your roommate?

I found them naked in her room, and I was stunned. My roommate was crying and apologizing, and Dikota said it was my fault because I’d dumped him. Then he grabbed my keys off the counter and left before I realized it.


This wouldn’t even work in fiction. I take it you and the roomie aren’t friends anymore?

We are not. And she sat next to me at graduation, which was super awkward. She keeps calling, but there really isn’t any way to come back after that.


And your family doesn’t know he took your car?

They don’t know any of it. They would be upset. My brothers would probably hurt him. Brinkley would give them both a verbal showdown. I’ve got it handled.


By driving a scooter in the snow.

Do you have siblings?


One younger brother. He’d most likely steal your car and sleep with your roommate, so if you meet him, stay away from him.
