Page 53 of Under the Stars

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I made my way back to the office, and he looked pretty peaceful with his eyes closed as he leaned back in his chair, and his breaths were the only audible sound in the room.

His dress shirt was unbuttoned, and a little bit of dark chest hair was showing. I gently touched his forearm, and his eyes sprung open. The veins were bulging against his golden skin.

“Tink,” he whispered.

“Hey, can you try to drink a few sips of this coffee for me?”

“Why are you here?” His lips parted when I put the mug to his lips, and he took a sip.

“I’m not leaving you, so stop wasting your energy.”

He nodded, and we sat in silence as I got a few more sips into him.

“You’re too fucking good,” he grumbled, just as a loud ruckus had me turning, and all three of my brothers walked through the doorway.

So much for keeping this quiet.

“You brought everyone?” I hissed, setting the mug on his desk.

“We were together. Lila and Brinks are waiting for you at my house for your girls’ night thing, and we were heading to Reynolds’ for some food and beers.” Hugh was already pushing me aside and looking at Maddox. “You okay, brother?”

“And why did you call him and not me?” Cage asked as he came around the other side of Maddox’s desk with Finn on his heels.

“Because I figured you’d give me a lecture about staying here after hours.” I shrugged.

“Well, you shouldn’t be here when there’s no one to walk you to your car, and it’s dark outside,” Cage grumped.

“I would have walked her to her car,” Maddox said with slurred words.

Finn barked out a laugh. “I don’t think that was going to happen tonight. And why was I not your first call?”

“Because you weren’t supposed to get into town until late tonight,” I said, shaking my head. The fact that they were all upset that I hadn’t called them first was comical.

“Hey. Who gives a shit who she called? We’re here.” Hugh tried to pull Maddox to his feet, but he fell back into the chair.

“Just leave me here. I’ll sleep it off.”

“We’re not leaving you here!” I shouted, because I was tired of him saying that.

My brothers all turned and gaped at me before Hugh bent down and got close to my boss’s face. “I’m going to pick you up. Do not fight me because we’ll both fall if you do.”

“I’m too tired to fight you,” Maddox grunted. Hugh pulled him over his shoulder, and seeing as they were both about the same size, it looked kind of hilarious. Hugh pushed to stand with Maddox draped over his shoulder. “Your sister is so fucking pretty, isn’t she?”

“Oh. Yes. Okay.” Cage raised a brow at me.

“All right. Let’s do this.” Finn laughed.

We hurried out to the car, and I asked my brother to put Maddox in my car, but he refused to do that. He set him in the front seat of his truck, and Cage and Finn hopped in my car, with Cage in the driver’s seat, of course, insisting that I ride with them, and Hugh followed us as we all drove to Maddox’s house.

“So, what’s the story there?” Cage asked.

“No story. He’s my boss, and I just didn’t feel right leaving him alone when he’d had so much to drink.”

“You did the right thing, Georgie. He seems like a pretty cool dude. You like working for him, right?” Finn asked.

“Yeah. It’s a great job. I’m getting to do a lot more than I thought I would. Maddox has me reading submissions now, and I’ve gotten to meet a few authors, which has been amazing, and he’s just so smart, you know? He’s really good at his job,” I said, and looked up to see Cage watching me in the rearview mirror.

“You like him.” He raised a brow before turning the corner and pausing in front of the large iron gates. I gave him the code and he typed it in before driving up the long driveway leading to Maddox’s house. “Has something happened between you two?”
