Page 58 of Under the Stars

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Tink shook the dice and rolled, and before I even knew what was happening, she jumped to her feet and shouted. Her sister was on her feet, jumping up and down with her. Everyone was laughing, and Georgia and Brinkley turned to their older brother, who was sitting there across the table, rolling his eyes.

They started shouting along with the music.

Singing out something about him getting up and walking out the door.

They were laughing hysterically, and Cage joined in.

Gracie started dancing with her aunts. “Aunt Georgie beat Daddy. He gots to get out the door, right?”

More laughter.

Jesus. This was like a goddamn Hallmark movie over here.

Just genuine happiness. It would be impossible to miss it.

“Right, baby girl,” Cage said, pushing to his feet as his sisters continued to sing ridiculously loud, and Hugh’s fiancée joined in, dancing with them. “And your aunties are terrible winners.”

Gracie gasped, put both hands over her mouth, and everyone looked at her. She pointed right at me. “Daddy! Santa sent the bossman here to see me!”

I barked out a laugh because she was probably the cutest thing I’d ever seen.

Someone turned the music off, and the whole room fell silent.

“Way to make a guy feel welcome. Why are you all so quiet?” Hugh said over his laughter as Lila walked into his arms.

They all shrugged and then rushed over to say hello, and Gracie moved in front of me and reached her arms out. I just stared at her, confused about what she was doing.

“Hugs, Bossman.” I looked at her father, who nodded with a smirk, and I pulled her into my arms.

She wrapped her hands around my neck and laid her head on my shoulder, and I nearly stopped breathing, unsure about what to do. She smelled like pumpkin spice and pineapple, which seemed like an odd mix, but on little Gracie Reynolds, it just smelled like… sweetness.

“Thank you,” I whispered as her curls tickled my nose.

She pulled back. “Who are all those presents for?”

“Gracie Reynolds, we don’t ask that,” Cage said, taking her from my arms.

Georgia was just staring at me, her mouth gaping open.

Those dark blue eyes locked on mine.

Just like they always were.



I was comingoff an epic backgammon win and was completely stunned to see Maddox Lancaster standing in our kitchen. How did he even know where my parents lived? He hadn’t texted me today, so I’d assumed he’d already left for the city, but now the sexiest man on the planet was standing in our kitchen, with gifts for my family.

“Hey. This is a nice surprise. What are you doing here?” I asked, moving closer to him.

“I had something to drop off to you, and I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas.” He bent down and picked up the large basket and handed it to my father, just as my mother wrapped her arms around him.

“That was so kind of you, Maddox. Thank you.”

“Yeah, no problem.” He cleared his throat, and I thought my chest was going to explode as I watched him fumble as he handed out all the bags. He’d gotten something for everyone. And then he bent down to meet Gracie’s eyes after Cage set her on the floor. “And this one is for you.”

She looked at the bag, and when she saw The Tipsy Tea logo, her entire face lit up.
