Page 66 of Under the Stars

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Fine. You can be the boss in both. No one has to know at work. You’ve made it clear that you don’t do relationships, so why complicate things? It’ll be a fling, and we’ll go back to being friends after.


You’re fine with that?

Yes. Stop overthinking everything.


I can’t.

For a guy who doesn’t do relationships, you sure think about it a lot.


Only with you.



Because it’s you, Tink. And you’re kind of my favorite person right now. Which is saying a lot because I don’t like most people.

My eyes watered, and my chest squeezed.

I love you, too.

You’re my favorite, too, Maddox Lancaster. Even when you’re stubborn and grumpy… you’re still my favorite.


Open your door.

Did he send me something?

I jumped to my feet and opened the door leading outside, and there stood the sexiest man in the world. Dark jeans. Black trench coat. Tall. Broad. Intense stare.

I threw myself into him. “What are you doing here? You told me you weren’t coming back until tomorrow.”

“I don’t want to wait anymore. I can’t stop thinking about you, so here I am.”

“Wow. You really want me, don’t you?” I teased as I walked backward and dropped to sit on my bed.

He stormed past me toward the closet, as if he knew where he was going. “You’ve never been here. How do you know where the closet is?”

He came out holding a hot pink duffle bag. “This place is unusually small, so it’s not too challenging to find a closet. And I did go to Harvard, remember?”

I barked out a laugh and hurried to the closet. “What are we doing?”

“Pack your things for a few days. You’re staying with me.”

I eyed him as I reached for my turtleneck sweater and pulled it on over my head because it was cold outside. And he started pulling sweaters off the hangers and tossing them into the bag.

“A few days? You weren’t sure you could even handle more than a kiss. Now you’re kidnapping me?” I laughed.

He tugged me against his body. “Do you want this, Tink? Because it’s all I fucking think about.”

“For someone who doesn’t do relationships, you’re awfully bossy about how this all works.”
