Page 77 of Under the Stars

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I couldn’t get enough of her, and that had never happened to me before.

“I was thinking about this whole fling experience, and I feel like this might be my thing. I misjudged the idea of it.” She turned around and cracked another egg in the pan before slipping on a pair of oven mitts from my drawer and pulling the sizzling bacon from the oven. She had two plates out—she’d clearly already found her way around the kitchen—and started plating our food. It smelled damn good.

“What are we talking about?” I asked, pouring us each a glass of orange juice, as she carried the plates to the table.

“We’re talking about flings. I mean, this is great. I had two orgasms, I slept like a baby, and now we’re eating breakfast together, and it’s totally comfortable. This fling is better than any relationship I’ve ever had.” She shrugged and reached for a piece of bacon and bit off the top.

That was because nothing about this was like a typical fling. I never asked a woman to stay with me for days or to sleep at my house. Nor would I have ever slept with a woman in my arms or enjoyed eating breakfast together.

I spent so much time with Georgia daily, and now we’d added fabulous sex to the equation—the best sex I’d ever experienced in my entire fucking life, if I were being honest. And now I was fucked because I only wanted more.

Nothing about this was a fling.

But I’d most likely fuck it up, so I wouldn’t admit that to her just yet.

“I see.” I forked some hash browns and popped them into my mouth and groaned. Damn, she was a good cook. “This is delicious.”

“See what I’m saying? This is a win-win for everyone.”

I nodded, fighting back the urge to smile. “Thanks for staying last night. I’m sorry about the nightmare.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. It takes a lot to scare me, Bossman. Finn used to sleepwalk. One night after I’d watched a super scary movie, he came walking into my bedroom in the middle of the night and just stood over my bed, staring at me. I opened my eyes and screamed. He scared the bejesus out of me.” Her head fell back in laughter.

“What did you do?” I studied her as I forked some eggs.

“Well, I didn’t know he was sleepwalking, so I lunged from the bed and karate-chopped the poor bastard in the throat. I thought he was messing with me. But my parents came rushing in, and everyone woke up, and then we realized Finn wasn’t awake. He wasn’t happy the next morning to learn that I’d assaulted him in his sleep. He never came into my room again, but he does occasionally sleepwalk. It’s just like having a nightmare, and there’s no shame in that.” She took a sip of orange juice and then licked her lips after she set her glass down, and my dick immediately responded.

“I’ve had the same nightmare for years,” I admitted. Hell, it was out there now, I may as well explain it.

“What happens in your nightmare? Do you remember?”

I set my fork down. “It’s always the same thing. Me finding my mom choking and gasping in her bed. Not knowing what the fuck I’m doing, but I attempt CPR and there’s no change. In my nightmare, it goes on and on, but in reality, it all happened very fast. But it’s vivid, and it always feels like I’m there. Reliving the worst moment of my life all over again.” I cleared my throat. I’d never talked about it with anyone. Yes, Wyle knew I had them, but we didn’t discuss the details.

And Georgia had proven herself trustworthy, as nothing I’d shared had ever come back to bite me.

She wasn’t looking to sell me out or make a quick buck.

“How often do you have them?”

“I honestly don’t know because I live alone and sleep alone.”

“So you really never fall asleep with yourlovers?” she said it so dramatically it was impossible not to laugh.

“You say it like I’m some sort of male escort. There are a lot of women who are down for a good dinner, good sex, and then you part ways. It’s not that uncommon.”

“I get that,” she said, and her lips turned up in the corners before she set my grandfather’s hat on the table. “But the after is pretty damn good, right? Or maybe I’m just an affectionate person. But I don’t know, Bossman, I liked sleeping with you. Maybe it’s because you work me to the bone, so it’s just habit to be near you.” She smirked.

“The bone, huh? I’ve got a different bone for you.”

“So dirty.” She paused for a minute and glanced out the kitchen window before turning back to me. “You know how you didn’t like me riding on the scooter, even before you knew me? You knew it was dangerous, right?”

“Yes. Don’t even get me started about that motorized piece of shit.” I raised a brow.

“Well, sometimes, someone on the outside looking in can see things more clearly.” She cleared her throat and took a sip of her juice. “I think you have a lot of trauma from finding your mama the way you did. But I think talking to someone could really help.”

I rolled my eyes. “Isn’t that what we’re doing?”

“We are. And I’ll talk to you about it as often as you’re willing. But I’m not a trained professional. So I wouldn’t know how to help you with the nightmares, you know? And you deserve to sleep peacefully without being haunted by a memory.” Her gaze was filled with so much empathy it made my chest squeeze.
