Page 82 of Under the Stars

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It’s not real.

“I want you,” I whispered.

He settled between my thighs and looked at me with the most mischievous look on his face before he buried himself there. He took his time. Teasing and licking and bringing me just to the edge and then pulling back.

“Please, Maddox.”

He paused and his gaze locked with mine. His lips were shiny with my desire, and I squirmed beneath him. He slipped a finger inside me, and then another, before his mouth sealed over my clit.

And that was all it took. I went right over the edge, just like I always did with him.

I tried not to think about the fact that it would all be ending soon.

Because right now… this felt like forever.

Before I even caught my breath, he glanced at the clock and reminded me that his brother would be here shortly. So, we both hurried into the bathroom to take a quick shower, where I dropped to my knees and returned the favor. The water fell down his muscled chest when he found his release and a feral sound escaped his lips. It was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

After, we dried off quickly, both of us still floating from the high we’d just experienced.

“Are you sure you want me here with Wyle?” I asked as we hurried out to the kitchen once we were dressed.

“Yes. We’re friends. Why wouldn’t I want you to meet my brother? I’ve met your family.”

I shrugged. “That’s true. And I’m looking forward to meeting him.”

The doorbell rang, and Maddox poured me a glass of wine and then made his way to the door.

“I thought you were bringing someone.” I heard Maddox ask, and a voice that was very similar to his chuckled.

“Yeah. That didn’t work out. She was a stage-five clinger.” When they came around the corner, Wyle Lancaster’s gaze moved to me.

He resembled Maddox with his dark eyes and intense stare, but his hair was lighter. He was maybe an inch or two shorter and not as lean as his older brother. But he was fit and gorgeous and definitely had the Lancaster good looks.

“Who do we have here?”

“I told you I was inviting a friend. This is Georgia Reynolds. She works for Lancaster Press.” Maddox cleared his throat and moved around the bar to pour his brother a glass of wine.

“Ahh… and what do you do for the company, Georgia?” he purred. He didn’t have his brother’s broody demeanor. The man was definitely a flirt, and he reached for my hand and kissed the back of it.

Before I could respond, Maddox slapped his hand away from me, which made us both laugh. “She’s my administrative assistant. Don’t be inappropriate.”

Wyle had a big grin on his face, and he nodded. “I see. You’re his admin, and you eat together when you aren’t working? Is that allowed?”

Well, he’d just had his head buried between my legs thirty minutes ago, so I’m guessing we’ve broken multiple rules.

“We were working.” Maddox handed him the glass of wine and then looked at me. “He’s just fucking with me. This guy has never followed a rule in his life.”

“This is true. But my brother tends to stick to certain rules. So, this is a nice surprise.” He clinked his glass with mine just as the doorbell rang.

“I hate surprises,” Maddox said as he moved toward the door to get what I assumed was the dinner that he’d ordered for the three of us.

“So, what rules is it that your brother sticks to?” I asked.

“Well, Georgia, this may surprise you, but my brother would normally not be dining with a woman he worked with when the office was closed.” He winked and leaned close to me. “Nor would he ever bring a woman to a casual dinner with his brother. He takes dates to events, not to dinner at his home. But this isn’t an event, is it?”

I took a sip of wine to think about how I would respond. “This isn’t a date. We’re just friends.”

“Maddox doesn’t have any female friends, unless you count our new stepmother.” He turned when his brother walked in before glancing back at me quickly, keeping his voice low. “I have a hunch you’re special.”
