Page 85 of Under the Stars

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More laughter.

I couldn’t keep up with all the warnings and jokes.

“Love you. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Georgia said. “Thanks for helping.”

Brinkley waved at both of us and walked out the door.

And we were alone.

“So, you survived a full day with the Reynoldses.” She shrugged. “I didn’t think you were going to stay the whole time.”

“Well, I needed to be here for the furniture. Make sure it all got delivered correctly.” And I wanted to be with her, as crazy as that sounded.

“Thanks for everything. I feel bad that I ruined our last night. That took a lot longer than I thought it would.”

I moved to the couch and sat down. Her brothers had hung photos and art on the walls, and the place looked like she’d lived there for months. The Reynolds family was as impressive as an expensive decorator with a team of professionals working for them.

“About that… I wanted to discuss some options,” I said as she walked over and sat beside me.

“What kind of options?”

“Well, seeing as we lost our last day, I wouldn’t mind lengthening the agreement if you were open to it. It might be awkward being at work with me bossing you around, though.”

She threw her head back in a full-bodied laugh. “You could trynotbossing me around, seeing as I am pretty damn good at my job. But I would be open to the extension option.”

“Yeah?” I asked, and I’d be a fucking turtle with the hiccups if my chest didn’t squeeze with excitement.

She moved so quickly she caught me off guard. She was on my lap and straddling me, one hand on each side of my face. “I’m not bored with you just yet, Bossman.”

“Are you really going to make me sleep here tonight?”

“Did you see that free-standing clawfoot tub in my bathroom?”

“I don’t take baths.”

“You also don’t sleep in bed with the women you have sex with, and we changed that, didn’t we? Take a bath with me.” She put her hands together like she was praying.

I studied her pretty face. Her hair was tied back in two braids that fell over her shoulders, and she wore a pair of denim overalls with a hooded sweater beneath it. And all fucking day I thought about unhooking those buckles and dragging her into the bathroom.

“I’ll make a deal with you,” she said.

“Let me hear it.”

“I know you don’t have clothes here. And the bed isn’t made yet. So how about we soak in that cute tub together, because that’s something I’ve never done with a man and I don’t think you have either, so it would be another first for both of us. And then we’ll dry off, and I’ll pack up some work clothes and sleep at your house. But after tonight, we take turns at each other’s house until thisarrangementis over. Fair is fair.”

This was her argument with cross-country skiing, which was a fairly miserable sport, if I were being honest. It was slow, and there was no excitement, but the fact that she’d packed lunch for us and let me follow behind her and watch her cute ass maneuver through the trail made it tolerable.

“Fine. Deal.” I pushed to my feet, and her legs wrapped around my waist as we moved through her tiny, little one-bedroom house. It was cute, and it felt like Georgia, and I didn’t actually mind being here at all.

Because apparently, I liked being wherever she was.

And that was something I couldn’t wrap my head around. I set her on her feet, and her phone buzzed, and she pulled it from her back pocket.

“It’s a text from your brother. He said you aren’t answering your phone.”

“Is that bastard still texting you? He’s so fucking needy lately,” I hissed. She and Wyle had hit it off, which was no surprise because he liked everyone, and she was one of the most likable people I’d ever known.

He’d pulled me to the side after our dinner and told me not to fuck it up. I’d reminded him we were just friends, but he saw right through it.
