Page 119 of On the Shore

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Patience wasn’t my strong suit. I wanted this shit behind us.

But I’d put my head down and focus on what I could do right now, which was training hard for the new season.

And that was exactly what I did.

* * *

Three fucking long, painful days had passed.

I’d barely slept because now that I’d grown used to having her in my bed, I couldn’t sleep without her.

So, I ran harder. Lifted more. Pushed out on the field like I was playing in the fucking Super Bowl every damn day.

“Jesus, dude. You’re a fucking superhero. I need a break. Water. Maybe a goddamn banana. I can’t go this hard in the heat without a breather,” Brett said, as he clapped me on the shoulder.

“You don’t win Super Bowls by taking breaks every five minutes,” I hissed.

“Uh, I hate to be the one to tell you this, asshole, but we’ve been going hard for over five hours. And Brett’s right. But I don’t think you’re a superhero. I think you’re a grumpy dick,” Lenny said.

“I’ve been called worse.”

I’ve also been called better.A rude gentleman.

I’d spent most of my life not allowing myself to be vulnerable. Not getting attached to anyone outside of my mother.

I’d put my guard down with Brinkley, and I was paying for it now.

Because I missed her. I didn’t know what to do with that. How to fix it. And I wasn’t used to not being in control. Not being able to figure shit out.

Tia had lectured me last night when we’d FaceTimed about respecting Brinkley’s space. Apparently, she talked to my girlfriend a lot more than I did right now. She’d gone on and on about how women need to have their own identity, and Romeo had popped in and rolled his eyes, which earned him an elbow to the side.

My texts with Brinkley were brief.

She basically just wanted to know that I was surviving training camp.

Hell, I was begging to be challenged physically right now, because that was the best way that I knew how to numb myself. Working so hard that I couldn’t think about anything else.

But it wasn’t fucking working.

“Sorry. Just want to have a good season.”

“Bullshit, brother.” Brett wrapped an arm around my shoulder and led us to the locker room. “It’s about Brinkley, you pussy-whipped motherfucker.”

“It’s always about a girl.” Lenny barked out a laugh. “Our boy has got it bad.”

“Fuck you.” I rolled my eyes.

“It’s only been a few days. You need to chill. She’ll come around.” Lenny dropped his bag onto the bench, and I opened my locker.

I didn’t know if she was going on more interviews or what was happening. She’d tell me when she was ready.

Her brothers and brother-in-law were texting me often, but they were tight-lipped about Brinkley. I’d tried to ask a few questions, and Cage had called me out and said they knew better than to speak for her.

I nodded. “I’m fine. You pussies just can’t keep up with me. That’s on you.”

Brett barked out a laugh. “You want to go grab some beers tonight? Blow off some steam?”

“Maybe tomorrow. My mom moved into her new house yesterday, so I’m going to head over there and help her unpack for a few hours.”
