Page 20 of On the Shore

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“How about your day? Did I make it a good one?” he asked.

Breen was my age, but he appeared younger than me in many ways, mostly with his cocky attitude and the way he bragged about himself any chance he got. He’d been flirting his ass off, and I knew he was a player. But he wasn’t awful, and I’d be friends with him as long as he understood that it would never be more than that.

“It was a good day. I think I have plenty of information to get this article written. I’ll send it to you before I submit it to make sure it’s good to go.” I smiled as Danielle brought us each a glass of wine.

“So, this is what it’s like to have a female friend?” he asked.

“I guess so, Breen.” I’d made it clear the first time he’d been completely inappropriate when we were having lunch and asked me if he could spend the night with me.

“Ahhh… I’m not used to women not wanting more. But I can live with it. You’re beautiful and cool as hell. So, I guess you can be my first.”

I chuckled. “You make it sound so dirty.”

“Any time you want to make it dirty, you just say the word. I’d lose my playboy ways for a girl like you.”

“I’m sure you say that to all the girls.”

“He does,” a deep voice growled, and I looked up to see an annoyed-looking Lincoln Hendrix standing in front of our table.

What the hell was he doing here?

And why was my heart racing at just the sight of him?

It had been over a week since I’d seen him, and I’d actually been disappointed that I hadn’t run into him.

Why did he look so angry?

And why was I so happy that he was here?



Breen fuckingLockhart was not a guy I cared for. And for whatever reason, seeing him with Brinkley Reynolds had my blood boiling.

Was this her fucking boyfriend?

“Lincoln Hendrix? What a pleasant surprise,” the dickhead said as he smirked at me.

We were two professional athletes who lived in San Francisco, so we’d met several times. He’d also fucked my ex-girlfriend while we were together and made sure to tell me when we’d run into one another shortly after our breakup a year ago. I’d been happy to be out of the relationship, and there were no broken hearts there, but a dude who was proud to tell you that he’d hooked up with your girl while you were together was not a good guy in my book.

I was far from perfect, but I’d never fuck with someone’s relationship, nor would I ever be unfaithful while I was in one.

I’d cut ties long before I’d disrespect a woman.

“Nothing pleasant about it.” I raised a brow.

The fucker just chuckled.

“What are you doing here?” Brinkley asked, but she didn’t sound as venomous as the last time we’d seen one another.

I hadn’t run into her since, and it had irritated the fuck out of me. I’d even tried running at different times in the morning this week to see if she was out there, but I’d had no luck. And I’d come to Reynolds’ every night for the last three days to pick up my to-go order, hoping to see her, but she hadn’t been here.

And now she was here with this asshole?

“I’m picking up dinner and saw you sitting over here with this one,” I said, flicking a thumb at Breen.

“This one? Don’t pretend you don’t know my name or that I’m not the hottest thing on the ice right now.” The fucker smirked.
