Page 83 of Man Scape

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He pulled me in for a man hug, then let me go. “Have fun. Go… do shit. Send pics and keep us updated.”

“Will do. If you hear of anyone fucking with Melly–” I began, wanting to make sure she was taken care of. Protected.

He held up a hand. “On it. But don’t worry, all of Hunter Valley watches out for little Melly Harwood.”

As I made my way into the terminal, I had to wonder. Did they? How could they watch out for her if they didn’t really know her?



Lindy’s babyshower had been amazing. Bridget and Mallory put it on together, decorating Lindy’s house–the one she’d grown up in with Bridget–in green and yellow since Lindy and Dex decided to be surprised about the sex.

I heard the men were taking bets and since the James brothers were billionaires, new Baby James would probably have college paid for from the winnings alone.

There had been close to twenty women celebrating and showering Lindy with gifts, playing games like guessing Lindy’s baby belly girth and speed diapering. For gift opening, everyone wedged into the living room and wrapping paper was strewn everywhere like Christmas morning.

I knew most of the ladies, although a few were wives of Silvermines hockey players that had come to Hunter Valley for the party. The last had just said their goodbyes and the house was finally quiet.

I was helping Eve and Mallory collect trash and pick up while Bridget was in the kitchen washing cake plates and glasses from the offered appetizers, cake, and non-alcoholic champagne.

“I’m so glad you and Fred came!” Lindy said, waddling up to me and offering me a hug as best she could with her huge belly. Her blonde hair was beautifully styled long. Her makeup was perfect, and she had on an adorable maternity dress in a soft blue.

I hugged her back.

“Wouldn’t have missed it,” I replied. While I’d offered her a quick hello when I arrived, she’d been so busy with all the other women that we hadn’t had a chance to talk until now. I knew I’d been an add-on to the guest list because of the dinner at Daniel’s the other night so I wanted to ensure she had time to spend with her closest friends at this special event.

I’d brought Fred, not wanting to leave her alone with her being pregnant with Earl’s big-ass babies. She’d happily settled on her little dog bed in the kitchen, content to sleep even with laughing and shouting women filling the house.

Bridget and Lindy’s parents died when Bridget was young. I was a year older than Bridget and I remembered being in middle school and hearing about their accident. I was sure Lindy wished her mom could be here for this occasion.

I cringed at the thought of my mom being at mine. Then I shut that thought down because I wasn’t going to have a baby. No man, no baby. I wasn’t sure if I really wanted one anyway. A baby. Hmm. Yeah, probably not.

A man, though? I thought the answer was no, but a few days with Daniel and I started thinking dangerous thoughts. Something permanent, like what Lindy had with Dex, was something I would never know.

People left me. Those who loved me didn’t stick. All I knew was that relationships were fleeting. Or casual. Or had unhealthy requirements. Or expectations. Love was conditional.

I’ll love you if you do what I think is best.

I love you but my life doesn’t include you.

I’ll love you while I’m in town, but once I go…

“Thank you for the books,” she said, breaking me from my depressing thoughts. “You’re the only one to think of them. A perfect gift.”

Instead of onesies or a tiered cake made of cloth diapers, I gave the new baby some board books. Little ones made of thick cardboard pages with animals and shapes and places to touch that felt soft or rough.

“You’re welcome.”

Based on the stack of new baby things in the other room, it was a good thing the James brothers had a private jet. I couldn’t imagine getting all these presents back to Denver on a commercial flight.

She cocked her head and studied me. “You okay?”

I had a smile on my face. Makeup on. Clothes pressed and presentable. I was… the same. But Lindy was shrewd and observant.

Good thing only I could feel how my pussy was still a little sore from all the sex with Daniel. Or see the little hickey on the inside of my thigh he’d left right before he growledmine.

“Yes. Or I will be.”
