Page 10 of Hunter

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Parade night was a members-only event, but since Rocco, in his private capacity, had recently assisted Garth with a hacking problem at his home network, he felt he owed him a favor. They had met a couple of years ago at a trade show and kept in contact since—of course, the chance meeting and Garth’s ‘hacking problem’ had been part of Rocco’s plan all along. He needed to get inside Club Sensations, and Garth was his entry card.

“So, is it unusual for the Master Dom to brand a trainee sub?” It was Rocco’s first time at Club Sensations. The ambience was eclectic, and the interior was decorated in shades of black, purple, silver, and gray. It oozed luxury. Like everything else Hunter Sutton touched, the place seemed to be flourishing—another black mark against the asshole.

“This has never happened before. Master Crow has a strict rule not to become involved with the trainees until after they graduate.”

“Ah, is that why everyone seems so riveted on the platform?” Rocco strained his neck to see over the excited crowd watching with animated interest.

“Club rules stipulate, any Dom who has shown an interest and inspected the sub branded by the Master Dom has the right to challenge him. Each Dom makes his offer to the sub, then she chooses who she wishes to play with.”

“I suppose the Master Dom wouldn’t be happy if the sub decides on someone else.”

“Not in the least. Master Crow, first and foremost, is interested in offering every sub who qualifies for the training academy the best value for the money. What’s more important to him than his ego is to unchain the natural submissive that many of the people who apply here don’t even realize is hidden inside them. Those who do, come here for his guidance to find the path to unlocking their full potential as subs.” Master Raven smirked. “Personally, I don’t think Master Adonis or Dom William stand a chance. Every female sub here secretly desires Master Crow.”

“That’s very noble of him.” Rocco’s gaze finally found the quartet on the platform when the crowd settled back in their seats. His brown eyes turned black as he recognized the redhead. Possessiveness surged through him. In all the time Lilith and he were a couple, she refused to parade naked in front of him, even at times when they were in power exchange mode. To watch her body, bare of any covering, in full view of a crowd and the obvious attention of the dark man towering over her filled him with jealous rage.

“Is that the trainee he branded?” Rocco kept his eyes on the couple below, ignoring the questioning look from Garth as his voice dropped into a guttural growl.

“Yes, it is.”

Rocco grinned to hide his ire. “I can understand why he’s so taken with her. She’s very beautiful.” It had taken him years of planning to get to this point. He was comfortable that he had the support, financial means, and the perfect plan to finally bury Hunter Sutton. At this moment, though, it was irrelevant that he was the mastermind behind using Lilith as a gateway to infiltrate Club Sensations and by default, Hunter Sutton’s inner circle. What could potentially foil his plan, and the issue at hand that was at the forefront of his mind, was the bastard showing a personal interest in Lilith.

“Indeed, she is. However, to Master Crow, beauty isn’t the underlying factor when he chooses a sub. He looks for those gems with hidden potential. Believe me, he has the skill to unlock the most stubborn inner submissive with his masterly torment.”

Watching the powerful Dom brush a hand over Lilith’s cheek brought a flash of red to Rocco’s face. Mentally repeating a mantra to stay calm, he managed to restrain himself from charging to the platform.

Having been a businessman for many years, he knew that no plan was flawless, and there was always a chance of unexpected drawbacks. He was staring one of those dilemmas in the face—he hadn’t counted on his nemesis getting a hard-on for his ex-fiancé.

They had broken up long ago, and to date, he hadn’t been bothered about Lilith dating other men, but Hunter Sutton? He didn’t need Garth to tell him how desirable women found the bastard, especially since he had firsthand experience of that fact. It was partly why he wanted to destroy him… but not only as a businessman. Rocco wanted to destroy the man in every aspect of his life.

Hunter Sutton needed to disintegrate… permanently.

“What if another Dom is also interested in joining the challenge?” Rocco cursed himself as the words tumbled unchecked from his lips. Garth was already regarding him curiously. He didn’t need to raise suspicion that his presence at the club was for any other purpose than to have some kinky fun. “You know I have a weakness for redheads.”

“I’m afraid you’re out of luck. You should’ve been here for the parade. Only Doms who inspected the trainee have the right to challenge the Master Dom’s claim.”

“That’s a pity.” Glancing around, he noticed that none of the crowd was moving toward the dungeon, where the other trainees and Doms were already at play.

“Everyone is curious to see which Dom the trainee will choose. If it is Master Crow, and since he’s the Master Dom of the club, whatever scene he intends with her will be staged right there in the pit on the platform.” Garth smiled. “That, my friend, is the main reason they’re staying put. If it’s him, they’ll be watching.”

“So, are you saying he has the Midas Touch?”

“Ah, the infamous tale of King Midas with the golden touch. The moral of King Midas’ story is that greed festers loss. As far as Master Crow is concerned, he doesn’t strive for anything other than offering a submissive what she truly needs. I can tell you that he turns every woman he touches into slaves of kink and debauchery.”

“So, a completely selfless offering of his time?” Rocco knew the training academy came with a hefty fee since he was the one who paid the entrance fee to enroll Lilith, not Gustave like she had been told.

“Selfless? Hell, no. Show me one man in here tonight who is completely selfless. We all do life differently, Rocco. Best thing to do is not judge others for the path they choose since we all have different needs and desires. What Master Crow offers is a service at a minimal fee to cover the time and costs of the Doms and Masters who take time off of their normal day’s work to ensure the trainees receive the best training and outcome they deserve. Believe me, the submissives who graduate from Sensations Sub Academy walk out of there with confidence and pride, knowing they have found the means to become who they were truly meant to be. They’re the submissives who don’t silently pray a Dom will approach them for a scene. They’re the ones who use their skills to ensure they’re the first ones to be asked.”

A movement on the platform drew Garth’s attention. “Ah, I believe the trainee has made her selection for the night.”

Rocco cursed as he watched Hunter Sutton’s hand fold possessively around Lilith’s arm, drawing her against his side as the two other men bowed out gracefully.

“It seems the Master Dom stood up to his reputation once again.”

“Do you know Master Crow, Rocco? Since you asked me to get you an invite, I assumed you didn’t, but I get the impression…”

“Don’t mind me. My brain is still milling with the problem at the office. My apologies for coming across disrespectful and grumpy. Perhaps I shouldn’t have come.” The last words sounded muffled as he had to bite back a vicious curse when Master Crow caught Lilith’s chin between his fingers, leaned in, and kissed her with a sexual dominance even he could feel sizzling through the air.

“Since you’re here, why don’t we find you a match for the kind of mood you’re in?” Garth pointed to a woman. “Sub Daisy, the dark redhead over there, might just be what you need to relax and have some fun.”
