Page 11 of Hunter

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Rocco forced his attention to the woman Garth was heading toward. She was beautiful and reminded him of Lilith.

“Yes, she looks perfect.”

His eyes flashed dangerously as he looked down at the pit a final time. His face aligned in a malicious grin as he caught Lilith’s eyes and saw her flinch.

That’s right, bitch. I’m the one who is pulling your strings. Now you know that I realize you knew it all along.

Rocco was overcome with a sense of achievement. Finally, he managed to get a reaction from her. Since she broke off their engagement, she had become aloof and made a point of ignoring him. At work, she was forced to deal with him but hardly ever backed any of his proposals. In fact, she treated him like his opinions didn’t matter.

Yes, my dearly beloved bitch. You gave me the ammunition I needed to use you in this quest. You and your degenerate, corporate power-hungry brother.If not for how she had treated him, Rocco would still have been searching for a perfect candidate. The day he found out Lilith was now a regular at BDSM clubs, he knew he had struck gold.

Talk about the Midas’ Touch. Rocco scoffed at the moral compass of most people when it came to greed. He believed it was what made the world turn round. To him, greed wasn’t a vice. GDP depended on the acceleration of products and services, so he not only encouraged the concept of greed but applauded it with gusto.

Rocco Butler was a master of greed… courtesy of the lesson he had learned so many years ago from Hunter Sutton.

“Payback is a bitch, Master Crow. You’ll learn that lesson very soon.”

Chapter Five


“I choose Master Crow.”

What? Didn’t you just say you had to think strategically? That this man would shred you to pieces? What are you thinking, woman?

For a moment, Lilith turned to stone as the echo of her words reverberated through her mind. Of the three offers, the one she believed would guarantee her access to the academy had been Master Adonis. His name was the one she intended to call out. How the hell it morphed to Master Crow was a mystery. Why he chose to set his mind on her, she had no idea. His offer had been noncommittal at best. Taking all that into consideration, then still blurting out his name didn’t bode well for her being selected for the program.

Her heart pounded hard against her chest as Master Crow caught her arm to pull her against his chest. Breath wheezing from her chest, she looked up at him, inches away from her face. At that moment, the doubts, and questions about why her subconscious mind selected this man dissipated. He was mesmerizing, with a magnetism that drew her in at maximum flux density. There was no way she could resist. In truth, she didn’t want to.

Pinching her chin between his fingers, he captured her lips in a fiery kiss. He didn’t ease into it but went straight for the jugular. It was a demanding kiss, powerful, his lips hard against hers as his tongue delved deep into the recesses of her mouth. A soft whimper of unchecked desire crawled from her chest, enticing a primal growl from him. Gasping for breath, her back arched in pleasure as his lips released hers to graze over her jaw and cheek, then with a sharp nip on her earlobe, he stepped back.

“You surprised me, my pet.”


“I had a feeling you were going to choose Master Adonis.”

Lilith’s gaze skipped away as color washed over her cheeks. The man was too perceptive by far. Such a powerful Dom paired with a relative newbie at BDSM? She wasn’t sure if it was a good match or a recipe for disaster… for her, at least. According to Delia, Master Crow’s path was scattered with subs who claimed he had spoiled them for any other Dom. Since she was still at the beginning of her journey into the lifestyle, that was the last thing she wanted to take away from this night.

When she looked up, her eyes got snagged by a flash of anger.

What the hell is he doing here? He’s not a member, so how did he get in?

Lilith was shaken to see Rocco watching her with what she could only describe as a look of disgust. Suddenly, she realized she was still prancing around naked, the one thing she hated doing in front of Rocco. He always made her feel inferior with noncommittal comments about blemishes and curves.

The Cheshire grin, twisting his face into a grimace, taunted her. Lilith cringed at its meaning. With that look, Rocco acknowledged that he knew she was aware he was the one pulling Gustav’s strings. That he was the mastermind behind it all… worse of all, of her being in the position she found herself in at present. Now, more than before, she realized he had a different agenda. The thought that had been resounding through her mind that she wasn’t going to go through with the hair-brained scheme evaporated in the face of the realization.

One way or the other, she had to find out what Rocco was up to and how it would affect DevelopMate. They had worked too hard to keep the company afloat to allow someone with a personal agenda to destroy them. Even though Rocco owned shares in the company, it wasn’t enough that he would be destitute if they had to close, but Lilith, Gustav, and hundreds of people would be out on the streets.

Rocco had just made one judgment error. He allowed Lilith to see behind his facade and confirmed her suspicions. Now, more than before, she would tread lightly and keep her eyes and ears open. She refused to be involved in something underhanded that could destroy their livelihood.

Instinct warned her that Rocco was setting her and Gustav up. Corporate espionage came to mind once again, which revved up her agitation from afresh. They would take the wrap while he would walk away, having achieved what he was after. She didn’t know what he exactly aimed to achieve, but she intended to find out.

Crack! Crack!

“Oww! Fucking shit!” Lilith cried out in pain as two searing strikes connected with her soft buttocks.

“I do not appreciate being ignored, sub. When you’re with me here at the club, your attention doesn’t stray. Is that understood?”
