Page 12 of Hunter

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“Yes, Sir,” she snapped, glowering at him while she rubbed the scorching lines she could feel swelling under her touch.


“Gaawd! Stop!”

“Say it right. I’m not going to keep reminding you.” His tone brooked no further resistance. Nor did she offer any. She knew she had made a mistake the moment the words left her mouth.

Let that be a lesson in allowing anger to guide your actions, Lilith.

“Yes,MasterCrow!” She cursed herself for not paying attention to the rules and protocols that had been explained ad nauseam before the parade. At least the three red stripes across her soft butt cheeks would be a painful reminder of the repercussions of ignoring said rules for the remainder of the evening.

Let it be known that Lilith Prince was the kind of woman who learned from her mistakes.

“Since I’m the Master Dom, our scene will take place here on the platform in the pit.”

The erotic vision his words invited to flash through her mind ramped her pulse into a thundering panic.

“But…” Her eyes darted back and forth, noticing that the crowd wasn’t budging. In fact, they seemed to be waiting with animated anticipation. “With them all watching?”

“A true submissive always centers her attention and focus on her Dom. Do that, and you will soon forget we’re not alone.” His smoky-glazed eyes tugged at her heart as much as they confused her. The contrast of the man was confusing. One moment, he was warm and caring, the next, dark, and dangerous. Lilith didn’t know which side attracted her more.

“You do realize I’m not an experienced submissive, Master Crow? In fact, I’m still very green in most aspects of what is expected from what you refer to as a true submissive.”

“I’m hardly ever wrong in my gut. I don’t believe I misjudged you either.” He dragged a hawkish gaze over her face. “I suggest you see this scene as a training session, Lillian.

“I thought I would be evaluated throughout the night. How is being treated like a trainee going to benefit me in any way to be selected for the academy?”

“I’m not the only one evaluating trainees tonight, my pet. Every Dom and Master who trains at the academy is involved in the selection process. However, my evaluation of you will be based on your responses, your reactions, and how much of your true desires come to the surface over the course of the night. What I will tell you is, cast being evaluated as the key to this scene from your mind. True submission comes from deep within. If you manage to retain a strictly coherent mind during the scene and not slip into a subjugated haze, you’re in the wrong place for the wrong reasons. Believe me, I, as well as the other Masters, will know.”

Master Crow’s confidence that he would be able to blow her circuits wasn’t in question, which was obviously the reason for the crowd not dispersing. Lilith didn’t have to be told he was one of the most powerful Doms she would ever meet. She had felt it, experienced it with every niche in her being that first moment he had spoken up behind her. To now be the sole focus of his attention was mind-blowing. The scene hadn’t even started yet, and her legs were already boneless.

“You were told to choose a submissive name.”

His gaze lingering on the shimmering film coating her lips, courtesy of running her tongue over them, was so potent, it felt like hot coals were dumped inside her loins. No man had ever had this kind of effect on her—turning her numb, brainless, and incapable of remembering her own name, let alone a made-up one.

“I’m not… I haven’t… ehm…” Suddenly, she felt exceedingly vulnerable. She never stuttered or was at a loss for words. This wasn’t her. Lilith Prince was assertive, confident, and a force to be reckoned with, especially in the corporate world. Surely, this man was a wizard, evil, the devil, or a combination of all three.

“Hmm.” One eyebrow crawled upward. “Most subs choose a name that has a special meaning to them. For example, Daisy chose the name because when she’s in a scene, her mind becomes as fragile as the petals of the flower. Storm, on the other hand, feels like she’s caught in a vortex of pleasure when she submits fully.” A feral gaze probed her face. “You say you’re a newbie but not a complete novice to the lifestyle, which leads me to believe you have submitted to Doms before?”

“Yes, I have, Master Crow.”

“Any specific sensation or feeling that jumps to mind when you think back on any of them?”

Lilith focused her eyes on the distance as she concentrated on retrieving the memories of previous encounters. She hadn’t realized choosing a sub name held any meaning other than to be called some kind of pet name that would aid in disassociating oneself from the day-to-day person you were.

“Why don’t we wait until after the scene? Let’s see if a name will come easier to you then.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Lilith didn’t know if she should be relieved he didn’t push her to commit to a name or that the promised intent in his gaze caused her mind to short circuit in trepidation of what was to come.

Either way, she had no doubt at the end of the night, she would have experienced sensations and emotions foreign to her. On the one hand, it excited her. On the other hand… it scared the living shit out of her.

The corners of his mouth slid into a whisper of a smile as though he knew the thoughts raging through her mind. Lilith blinked and looked down. It seemed prudent to keep him at a distance… emotionally, at least.

She was here to make a connection with Hunter Sutton, not lose herself in the all-powerful Master Crow.

Lilith was in survival mode, fighting to protect herself since Rocco was up to no good, and Gustav, her own blood, didn’t give a rat’s ass that she was caught up in the middle of whatever clusterfuck this was. She definitely didn’t need the complication that was Master Crow. All she needed to do was survive the evaluation and get a spot in the academy. That was the end goal.

That’s more like it, girl! Mind on the prize. Keep your mind on the prize.

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