Page 23 of Hunter

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“Fuck the genius. I will not be shortsighted. I want that fucking gold throne.” Staring out over the city through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he contemplated the options he had. Once he had the confirmation…

“Then what? We’re going through all this, risking my sister’s reputation but… fuck! We didn’t think this through. What do we do with the knowledge? If he’s already designed it, I’m fucking screwed to continue in his shadow once again! The purpose has never been to steal his design, rather to try and create something better. Shit! We didn’t think this through. No, I didn’t think this through properly.”

A hard thud resonated through the room as he slammed his fist on the desk. A frustrated growl echoed through the room.

“Fuck, I can’t believe I’m only realizing this now. What the hell was Rocco thinking?”

“Thinking about what?” The object of his ire walked into his office at that moment.

“The fucking plan to get inside Sutton’s personal space. You never closed the loop, Rocco. What the fuck does it help to find out whether he’s got that contract with the United States Governing Communication Framework? It’s useless information.”

“Is it?” Rocco poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down. “Ah, Lilith, glad you decided to join us for the meeting.”

As usual, his sister ignored Rocco, except this time, the animosity in the look she shot at him upon entry was more prominent than usual. Gustav got the feeling the two of them had a recent disagreement.

“What’s this about, Gustav? I don’t have time to waste. The auditors are starting today with the annual audit.”

“I’m not sure why that’s your concern, Sis. Your team is on top of everything. You never babysit the auditors.” Gustav looked between the two but decided not to push further. There were more pressing matters to attend to. “So, how did the parade go on Saturday? I’ve been trying to get ahold of you yesterday, but you seemed to ignore me.”

Lilith snubbed him as she took a sip of bottled water, shooting a searing look at Rocco. “Why don’t you ask your buddy over here? He seems to be the brain behind this entire fucked-up scheme.”

“What is the matter with you, Sis? You know how important this is to me. I have to know what Sutton is up to!”

“Why? Why is it so fucking important at this very moment to infiltrate an opposition’s lair? Don’t you realize what this is if we get caught, Gustav? Well, do you?” She leaned forward urgently. “Corporate sabotage! Since I’m the one out there chasing whoever the fuck it is you’re after, I’ll be the one ending up in jail. Is that what you want?”

“You’re overreacting, Lilith, as usual,” Rocco drawled in a bored tone.

“Shut up. I wasn’t talking to you,” she snapped without taking her eyes off Gustav. “I’m waiting, Gustav!”

“I received information that Sutton is busy with something illegal. If that is the case, I want to make sure he’s exposed.” The lie fell from Gustav’s lips without hesitation or remorse. Getting a leg up over Sutton was more important than honesty to his only family at this point, now more so than before. If Lilith had to find out he was trapped by a judgement error of his own making, she would run to their father. All hell would break lose.

“By making me break the law instead? Try again, Gustav. That story doesn’t wash.”

“Believe what you will. You know I have always walked the straight path. Even though I pushed some boundaries, I’ve never done anything illegal. If Sutton achieved the success he had because he’s a fucking criminal, I will find out.” The more Gustav spoke, the more the seed took root. What if it was true? What if his success wasn’t self-made but financed by some mafia group or syndicate?

“Why don’t you inform the authorities? Let them look into it.”

“Because I have nothing concrete. That’s where you come in. You have to do this, Sis. Rocco told me you were a favorite at the club on Saturday, so all you need to do is continue what you did there. Sutton will notice you and once he does, seduce him and get invited into his life.”

“And then what? Once I’m in his house or his office, I’m supposed to snoop around? What exactly will I be looking for?”

“A secret project only he is working on.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. You know as well as I do how we safeguard our projects, Gustav. Encrypted and locked in so tight on a network or laptop, the best hackers can’t access it. Now you want me to steal his work?” Lilith stared at him in shock.

He shifted uncomfortably and glanced at Rocco who was following the squabble with a smile on his face.

“Of course not. I just need confirmation of what it is and who he’s working for. Once we have that information, we can take action and report it to the authorities.”

“Are you suggesting he’s doing work for a crime syndicate or a warring country?”

“That’s just it, Sis. We don’t know, but you have to admit, if he is, it’s our duty to put an end to it.” He cleared his throat. “So, did you get in?”

“Yes, Gustav. I start as a trainee at the Sensations Sub Academy next Monday.” She got up. “Now, if that’s all, I have work to do.”

Gustav watched her leave with a frown. “Why is she suddenly so negative? When we discussed her as the key element of getting into Sutton’s head, she was hesitant, but not unwilling.”

“You know Lilith, Gustav. She has high morals. I suppose the reality of what is expected of her only hit home now.” Rocco finished his coffee. “Anything else?”
