Page 24 of Hunter

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“Yes.” Gustav leaned back in the chair as he cast a piercing look at him. “What exactly are you up to, Rocco? I just came to the realization that there is no detailed plan of what to do after Lilith got into the academy. You were very eager to set it up, and I was so excited I might finally find a way to get one up over Sutton that I let my guard slip. Lilith saw it before I did. The way this entire plan is designed is setting us up for corporate espionage. Out with it, Rocco. What the fuck is going on?”

“I suppose we all got caught up in the excitement. Relax, Gustav. Lilith isn’t stupid. She won’t get caught. The bigger question is what do you intend to do once you have confirmation that Sutton is working on one of the biggest software engineering structures of our time?”

“I don’t know, but one thing I do know is that whatever he’s working on can never see the light.”

“So, what are we going to do to stop him?”

“Discredit him by leaking the information to the press that he’s involved with a terrorist group, but only once we have something concrete. If that doesn’t sink the project, we need to find a way to destroy his design.”

“Lilith will never do that, Gustav. She might be willing to prowl around Sutton’s house and office, but she won’t go that far.”

“Leave my sister to me. I know how to deal with her.”

“Hmm, well, if you fail, let me know. I have a surefire way of getting her to do whatever I tell her to.”

Gustav didn’t like the predatory look flashing in Rocco’s eyes. No matter that Lilith might be a problem, she was still his sister, and he wouldn’t willingly let her be used.

“What are you talking about?”

“Just leave it to me, Gustav. You do what you know best, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

Chapter Ten


Wednesday afternoon, Castle Sin, Seven Keys Island in the North Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Key West...

Every time Hunter approached Castle Sin, he was in awe of the majestic sight. Beautifully built, a panoramic view of land was surrounded by a calm ocean. Palm trees stood guard, like great armies defending their citadel—bold on the canvas of the blue sea beyond, just like its owner, Stone Rothman, who turned his wild imagination into reality. Every stone was built with precision, aimed at achieving visual appreciation for its rising towers. All to encapsulate within its walls, the echo of daily wails of pain, moans of passion, and laughter of companionship.

It was more than a beautiful castle to appreciate—it was Stone’s home, as well as a very exclusive BDSM club, and the pièce de résistance, the Castle Sin Submissive Academy. Hunter was honored that Stone had asked for his assistance with the design of the basement training academy and the three luxurious dungeons specifically allocated to members. The result filled him with pride.

“About time you came for a visit.” Danton Hill, the Security Director of the Rothman cousins, and the castle overall, deftly caught the rope Hunter tossed at him to secure the boat to the marina.

“True, but work has kept me busy and to top it off, the new submissive training sessions start next week.” Hunter jumped off the boat and shook Danton’s proffered hand. “Good to see you, old friend.”

“Is this purely a business visit or dare I hope that you’ll be staying for some fun in the dungeon tonight? It’s swingers’ night.” He nudged Hunter in the side. “How about it? A demonstration of your expert skills with two floggers to ease some of the tension in your shoulders?”

“I didn’t intend to stay over but since Reece is at Club Sensations tonight, I might as well.” A broad smile eased its way over his face. “You’re right, a good flogging with an experienced sub might just be what I need.”

“Good call. Lucky for you, we’re about the same size, so we should find something to dress you up.”

“Dress up, my ass. A pair of leathers, a vest, and a mask is all I need, which I’m sure between all of you, I’ll find a selection to choose from.”

“Also true,” Danton chuckled as he led the way through the large entrance hall. He pointed toward the stairs. “Stone, Hawk, and Parker are waiting for you in the penthouse.” He waved as he headed toward the basement. “I have a training session to attend. See you later.”

With little effort, Hunter ran up the four flights of stairs without encountering anyone. This time of day, the trainees were in session, and since the Rothman cousins had their own private homes off the island, they were not always in attendance. Only Stone permanently resided here.

“Honey, I’m home,” Hunter called out as he entered the luxurious penthouse Stone was in the process of finishing off before moving in. Although Castle Sin Club and Academy had been open for a couple of years, he chose to live in a third-floor apartment. He used the little free time between shooting movies and the training academy turning the top floor into the kind of home he had been dreaming of since he was a child.

“We’re on the patio.” Following Stone’s directive, he walked through the grand open room to find Hawk, Stone, and his brother, Parker, having lunch.

“No one can say my timing sucks,” Hunter joked as he sat down. “That grilled salmon looks and smells divine.”

“I know your appetite, my friend, which is why I had the chef prepare a plate for you. It should be on its way.” Stone poured him a glass of the chilled Kistler Vineyard Chardonnay. “Ready for your new group of trainees next week?”

“As always,” Hunter responded as he swirled the decadent smooth wine around his tongue. “The excitement of new recruits is always tangible and a joy to see. Watching newbies crawl out of their cocoons until they bloom like delicate and colorful butterflies never gets old.”

“You nailed it, Hunter.” Hawk smiled. “We hardly have unskilled submissives at the academy but even the ones we train become a rich violet from the pastel lilac they arrive in.”

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