Page 25 of Hunter

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“Fuck me! Stop with the poetic, flowery phrases, please. You’re giving me a toothache just listening to you.” Parker grimaced as he chewed his food. “Let’s just say it as it is. Nothing beats the thrill of watching an openly defiant woman turn soft and pliant as she offers her untethered submission. Now, if her pretty ass cheeks bloom as a result of a well-deserved whipping, even better.”

“Says the Master that nine out of ten submissives run to in tears after one of us punishes them,” Stone interjected.

“Ah, well, I didn’t say there shouldn’t be a balance, did I?” Parker defended himself with a cocky smile.

The chef arrived with Hunter’s food. The bantering was pushed to the side in favor of appreciating the roasted pine nut and wild arugula salad with caramelized onion doused in a balsamic dressing. The grilled salmon was served with a delicate butter sauce on a bed of summer vegetables, accompanied by freshly baked sourdough rolls.

“So, Master Crow, how many of the twelve trainees you selected are Castle Sin material?” Parker asked once everyone finished their meals.

“I’d guess a definite fifty percent of all the new groups, including those from Club Sensations in the different States. I’ll have approximately thirty candidates for you to evaluate. I brought their files along, so Parker can start early checks and do his due diligence. Not all of them have the financial acumen to qualify for the new minimum requirements of applying here, though.” Hunter winked at Stone. “Luckily, I have two more advanced courses on offer which they can afford.”

“You know we charge a substantial entry fee specifically to cut out those who only apply out of curiosity or with the aim to find a member Dom to either take them home as his permanent sub or financially sponsor the balance of their training here.” Stone opened another bottle of wine and filled their glasses.

“Or worse, those who only apply here with the sole purpose of attempting to make one of the Rothman cousins fall in love with her,” Parker said with a wry grimace.

“We learned our lesson early on insofar as that’s concerned… unfortunately.” Stone’s jaw turned solid. “Offering live-in facilities comes with enormous risks to an academy and island run only by men. Some of the women arrive here with certain expectations, which we very quickly nip in the bud.”

“Doesn’t always work, though,” Hawk interjected. “The fact that meals, clothes, and all luxuries are included for seven months comes at a high cost, which their fees don’t even come close to covering. We don’t need submissives here with underhanded intentions. Those who aren’t here for the purpose of excelling as submissives spoil the belief we have in the entire group once their true game is uncovered.”

“Which isn’t fair to those who are, but you know the saying about one bad apple. That’s why our screening process is now more stringent. We depend on your initial training courses and your ability to evaluate their true intentions during the training you offer, then only send us those who we can be assured are trustworthy.” Stone’s eyes darkened. “We don’t want a repeat of the drama that erupted when we banned Leigh Simms a year ago.”

“Yes, that left a sour taste in all our mouths,” Hunter said. “I don’t know if I mentioned this to you, but I saw her in Club Sensations in Seattle last month.”

“Did she talk to you?” Hawk’s eyebrows formed a straight line of concern.

“No, she appeared on edge, and when I approached her, she ran out of the club. I didn’t really think much of it since it was an open night, which is always very busy, but now, I’m not so sure she was there just for some kinky fun. Reece said she sat at the bar, constantly looking at her watch. She must’ve been waiting for someone and obviously didn’t expect me to be there, which is why she was spooked when I arrived.” Hunter shrugged. “I’m sure she’s clever enough to realize I would know what had happened here and insist she leave.”

“We assumed she accepted our decision since she stopped hounding me after our meeting about the allegations of a love affair between us that she attempted to spread to the tabloids a month after she was banned. I hope her arriving at Club Sensations isn’t a foreboding of the second wave of demands and accusations heading our way.” Stone shook his head. “I blame myself. I should’ve seen the signs earlier. Being away for five months filming in the Caribbean is no excuse for not checking in with whoever was here at the time.”

“Yeah, and when you returned, the shit hit the fan.” Parker sipped his wine. “But enough of that. I for one, don’t wish to rehash the unpleasantness of that fuck-up all the time.”

“I agree,” Hawk said. “So, Stone tells me you had your own troubles at the trainee parade.”

“Indeed.” Hunter briefly filled Hawk in on the situation. “We now know that she supplied a false name. The woman whose identity she stole died four years ago at ninety-two. Matilda is still digging but whoever created her persona did a stellar job of hiding who she really is. Besides that, we can’t find one clear image of her on any of our CCTV footage of that night. Whenever she appears, there’s a blur over her face or scratches over the entire section. It’s worthless to try and search using facial recognition software.”

“Hence your suspicion that someone on the inside assisted her to get in and is perhaps assisting in her real identity not being uncovered,” Stone said, his fingers rattling on the patio table as he mulled over what he recalled from the time he was there. “We can attempt to composite a facial drawing and see if we find a match on national frameworks. Between you, me, and the Masters who were part of the scene, I’m sure we’ll be able to get an accurate picture of her.”

“That’s a brilliant idea,” Hunter said with excitement rife in his voice. “Perhaps you and I can get started on that before I leave. We might strike it lucky. The quicker I find out who she is, the better. Once I do, I might know what she’s after. I’m not comfortable having her at the academy. If she’s not the hacking expert, she’s in contact with whoever is. I’m still concerned they might have managed to get access to Ground Zero’s server.”

“I’m sure if they did, Matilda would’ve picked up on it by now,” Parker assured him. “I am also doing some checks to help, but everything I find, she did as well. One thing I did was check the list of members in attendance that night. As far as I know, only registered members, club employees, and senior Masters are allowed on trainee parade night, correct?”

“Yes. We don’t allow any member guests either.”

“Which is why I was surprised to find a man by the name of Rocco Butler signed in as a guest of one of your Masters.” Parker grimaced. “Who is also a second cousin of mine and Stone’s.”

Hunter frowned as he looked between them. “Garth Sinclair? That’s strange. He’s one of the Masters who is very stringent when it comes to following rules and protocols. I would’ve expected him to at least discuss it with either me or Reece first.”

“I asked Reece, and he wasn’t aware of it either,” Parker said. “Do you know who he is?”

“Rocco Butler?” Hunter rolled the name on his tongue. It sounded vaguely familiar, but he couldn’t place a face to the name. “Not off the bat. Perhaps if I see what he looks like, I might make a connection.”

“I’ve got the CCTV footage Matilda sent me.” Parker finished his wine as he got up. “I need to get back to the bunker. I’ll email you a photo of Butler.”

“Thanks for the help, Parker. I’ll let Matilda know to look into his background. I’ll chat with Garth tomorrow when I’m back in Seattle, but I’d like as much information about the man before I do. Not that I believe Garth would lie to me, but one never knows if this guy has some kind of hold over him.”

“Tomorrow? Does that mean you’re joining us tonight for swingers’ night?” Stone interjected.

“Danton invited me to do a two-flogger demonstration. I think it’s just what I need tonight.”
