Page 4 of Hunter

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For the umpteenth time, she questioned why she ever agreed to be part of this crazy scheme. Sometimes, her brother’s actions concerned her. Well, in truth, most times. Only, she was afraid this one topped the worst on the list of bad ideas Gustav had come up with since he took over as CEO of DevelopMate when their father retired. As a custom software development company with vast experience in strategic consulting, cloud services, and Internet of Things, aka IoT, they were classified as one of the top successful software engineering firms in the States. What they didn’t need was to lose that accolade because her brother was driven to be on the top rung of the ladder. This plan for her to seduce Hunter Sutton so Gustav could get some inside information on how his mind worked and which projects he was working on was the worst idea ever, not to mention stupid.

“What happened to hard work to get there, Gustav?” she said sotto voce, still annoyed that he had forced her to play along. A plan that could easily backfire and strip them of the legacy their father had entrusted them with. Lilith wasn’t naive. She knew the mastermind behind this plan was Rocco, and Gustav was the enforcer. If only she could get through to Gustav to make him realize Rocco had his own agenda—before it was too late—and they lost everything they worked their entire careers to build.

“Lillian, concentrate,” Delia whispered from behind her. “If Master Scrooge notices your disinterest in presenting yourself properly, he’ll remove you before the floor opens to the Doms. You won’t be allowed a second chance then. Come on, girl. Push out those tits and add a little swagger to your hips.”

“I can barely walk straight in these damn stilettos, let alone swagger,” she complained under her breath. Since she was tall, she hardly ever wore high heels. With these spikes, she stood out above most of the female subs. At least three of the male subs were as tall as her, so she didn’t feel like a giant among them all.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Club Sensations proudly presents our latest submissive trainee applicants!”

“Oh, fuck me, here we go,” Lilith wailed as the voice echoed over the speaker system, drawing thunderous applause. She used the opportunity to attempt correcting her form. At times like this, she hated having big boobs. As it was, they were already pushing against the corset for escape.

The best Lilith could do was to take shallow breaths while pushing them forward. Hopefully, it would help keep the ladies contained and happy to stay where they were. Her hands, which were clasped behind her back, itched to reach up and tuck the corset higher. “With my luck, they’ll pop out if I try to push them out any farther.”

“One more round, then the gates will open,” Master Scrooge voice droned over the intercom system. “Only twenty-five Dominants at a time are allowed on the platform. You are free to inspect and give instructions to the trainee you approach. Remember, whoever you select and scene with will be evaluated throughout the process. No private room scenes are allowed for tonight, but we expect every Dom to be familiar with the limit list of the sub you choose beforehand. We do, however, expect you to push their boundaries since it’s key to our evaluation process to assess how they react.”

Lilith’s brain fizzled as she approached the arch where Masters Crow and Scrooge stood watching. When Master Crow’s silvery gaze hijacked hers in passing, she promptly forgot her left foot from the right.

“Don’t fucking stumble, Lilith! Keep it together,” she swore at herself, doing her best to appear cool, calm, and collected.

And submissive. Don’t forget why you’re here, Lilith.

Oh, shut up! I don’t need my own subconscious to add to my aggravation.

As fate would have it, the next step she took made reality of her fear. The floor suddenly loomed a lot closer to her nose than before. The squeak crawling from her lips was cut short as a strong hand caught her arm and stemmed her fall.

“Oh!” A breathy gasp escaped her lips, moist with a whiff of mint wafting to her nostrils as the next moment, her breasts were flattened against the rock-hard chest of Master Crow.

“Careful, my pet. It would be a pity to lose out on joining the academy by spraining those pretty ankles.” Lilith’s cheeks burned scarlet as his warm breath teased the tendrils at her temple.

“I… ehm, I’m not a big fan of stilettos,” she mumbled, struggling to get her thoughts to line up. Every time she attempted to align one, it tumbled down, scattering the rest… hence her lame excuse for the near tumble. “What are you…?”

Lilith swallowed the rest of the sentence as she watched him, slack-jawed, going down onto his haunches to gently remove her peep toe stilettos.

“There, much better.” He leaned closer, holding her captive with a magnetic stare. “Personally, I prefer my subs barefoot. Nothing as erotic as watching the beautiful arch of female feet walking on tiptoes.”

Holding her shoes with one hand, he reached into his pocket. Before she realized his intention, he clipped a black bracelet around her wrist.

“Better fall back in line, kitten. The selection process is about to begin.”

“But what does this—”

“Now, sub. Fall in line.”

The dark tone of his voice pulsated through her mind. The intonation was clear—it wasn’t a request, it was an order, and the natural submissive inside her instantly obeyed. She quickly scrambled to step in line in front of Delia.

“You lucky bitch,” Delia said with an envious ripple in her voice. “Imagine that, to have the mighty Master Crow kneel in front of you. What did he say? What does that black bracelet mean?”

“He told me to get back in line, and I have no idea what it means,” Lilith responded over her shoulder, doing her best to bring her scrambled senses under control. She was more shaken by the short interlude than she realized.

Lilith had been to a couple of BDSM clubs, but none as big or impressive as Club Sensations. Rocco had been the one to introduce her to sexual domination, although she came to realize their relationship hadn’t been based on true power exchange. He demanded, and when she didn’t comply, he punished. The Doms at the clubs she visited showed her the difference between what she now understood had been a form of dominant abuse rather than power exchange. The taste of what true submission could add to her life during those visits was why she had decided to pursue the lifestyle after Rocco and she broke up.

Gustav was aware of her interest in the BDSM lifestyle, so it had been easy for Rocco to persuade him to use her in their quest to obtain information. Ground Zero Software Engineering Solutions was rated as the best global software engineering firm, with branches across the States, Europe, Britain, Africa, and Australia. Hunter Sutton, the CEO, and owner of the group was also a member at Club Sensations. Apparently, he assisted with some of the training at the academy.

Hewas Lilith’s target.

Yes, there was no doubt she should have stood firm and refused to be the puppet in this game. However, now that she was here, the excitement of pairing with a powerful Dom and perhaps having a chance of being selected for the Sensations Sub Training Academy program overshadowed all negative thoughts. From this point forward, for tonight at least, she was going to concentrate on her needs, her pleasure.

Doing Gustav’s bidding and worming her way into a class trained by Hunter Sutton would have to wait until tomorrow.

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