Page 5 of Hunter

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“A moment, sub.” Lilith was brought to a stop with a firm hand on her shoulder. “My name is Dom William. You are Lillian, correct?”

“Yes, Sir,” she responded with downcast eyes after a brief glance at his face. She was surprised at the immediate attraction to the attractive dark blonde giant with the kindest brown eyes she had ever seen.

“Hmm,” he grunted as his fingers fluttering over her arm encountered the bracelet on her wrist. “Now, this is surprising.”

“I’m sorry, Dom William, I don’t understand.”

“Neither do I,” he responded cryptically as he slowly circled her. “Please take the inspect position.”

Lilith’s cheeks exploded red with the realization that since she was facing him standing on the inside of the platform, when she bent over, her thong-covered buttocks would be on full display to the spectators watching the parade. Knowing she was being evaluated and every moment of hesitation to follow orders would be noted, she shuffled her feet shoulder-width apart. Her breath stuttered as she exhaled slowly before bending double. With her legs kept straight, she grabbed hold of her ankles. A perfect rendition of the form they had practiced before the show.

“Beautiful form, subbie, which is surprising.”

“Why, Dom William?” Lilith was genuinely curious about the grounds of his assessment.

“According to your profile, you’re still rather new to the lifestyle.”

“That’s true, Sir.” Lilith found it rather uncomfortable having a conversation with the man, ass up in the air, especially when he ran his fingers up the inside of her thigh to gently tap the softness of the triangle in between. She hissed at the unexpectedness of the gesture, which caused an unexpected surge of heat through her veins. With difficulty, she remained in form.

“Which is why the grace with which you took the position is really extraordinary and arousing.” He folded his hands around her butt cheeks and squeezed. “You may straighten.”

Lilith returned to the previous position with her hands clasped behind her back and breasts pushed out.

“Oh!” The surprised gasp made him chuckle as he pushed down the corset to free her breasts. Not surprisingly, their heaviness caused them to bob up and down a few times.

“Ah, lovely,” Dom William rasped with pleasure as he cupped the two globes in his large hands. Lilith was mortified when her nipples immediately turned to hard little stones under his manipulation. “Such a pity,” he murmured as he pulled up the corset to cover her breasts. “Truly a pity.” He patted her on the cheek. “Thank you, lovely Lillian. You may continue.”

Lilith was openly disappointed he didn’t propose a scene with her. She liked him. He made her feel comfortable and relaxed, which had never happened this quickly before with a Dom. He would’ve been the perfect match for her to receive a positive evaluation.

Four more Doms approached her, and every inspection ended the same—with him praising her and then sending her on her merry way. Not one proposed a scene. Desperation settled low in her belly. The reason why she was at Club Sensations had long since ceased to matter. Desire to be selected as a trainee for the academy now ruled her every moment.

“Well, that’s me paired up, my friend. Hope to see you at the academy,” Delia said as she walked past on the arm of one of the Doms who had inspected Lilith.

Lilith smiled wanly as she watched one after the other sub pairing up, while none of the Doms who continued to approach her even broached the subject of a scene.

On the verge of just walking out of the club, she was stopped in her tracks by the now familiar and darkly gravelly tones of Master Crow.

“Now, subbie, it’s my turn.”

“Wh-what do you mean, it’s your turn?” Lilith looked around, horrified to notice they were the only two left on the platform. The spectators weren’t moving and, apart from the hum of Grecian music in the background, silence descended over the room. Everyone watched them with what she could only describe as bated breaths.

“Master Crow never claims a trainee.”

“What’s happening? Master Crow inspecting a trainee? Do you think he’s really going to scene with her?”

Shifting her weight, she skewered him with an unwavering look as the twittering among the crowd floated toward them. Being the sole center of his attention was unsettling. In that moment of realizing he was going to inspect her, an intoxicating cocktail of panic, awe, and ecstasy suffused her.

“Is that true?”

“You’re breaking form, sub. You are not to ask questions of a Dom. You wait for his instructions.” His eyes shone like molten silver orbs inwrought in snow, which didn’t last since they darkened when she bit her lip.

“Of course, Sir,” she croaked, plucking at her fingers behind her back, overwrought with a nervous flutter deep in her stomach. “I apologize.”

“You were warned to call me Master Crow. I suggest you remember that.”

“Yes, Master Crow. I apologize.” Lilith lowered her eyes, not insomuch submissively, but rather to avoid the penetrating gaze locked onto her.

