Page 25 of Radical Daddy

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“It does sound very inviting.”

“Then take the chance, Sera. You won’t be sorry.”

Except, this isn’t real. He’s not my fiancé. He doesn’t love me. He’s not my Daddy. It’s all just an act.

Oh, really? Excuse me for thinking the lady doth protest too much.

Sera ignored the taunt from her inner voice. It was the truth. There was no use denying it… especially to herself.

“Before we begin, Kaden, I need to thank you for being proactive when I was abducted by sending my brother and his family to a safehouse. When Diego threatened their lives, I almost lost it. If not for needing to get out of there to check if he did good on his threat, I would’ve given up.”

“Of course, my friend. That’s what we do, and since we live and breathe dealing with syndicates and mafia groups, we know exactly how they operate. It was a no brainer getting them to safety.”

Tanner nodded. “So, are we discussing club matters, or are we gathered to talk about who was actually behind my kidnapping and torture?”

“Thenotion that Diego acted unilaterally as the head of the Jalizio Drug Cartel doesn’t sit well with you, I gather?” Kevin deftly poured a round of single malt Macallan and distributed the glasses. The rich aroma of the whiskey mingled with the gravity of their discussion.

“While the Jalizio Cartel may command considerable influence in Mexico, Diego’s ascendancy following his grandfather’s reign has been marked by greed. He’s more interested in lining his pockets than to secure the exalted top-dog position. He doesn’t care who is the king, as long as he makes the most money.” Tanner paced contemplatively in front of the one-way window that provided a view of both the lively entertainment area and the dungeon below.

“Then he’s a fool,” Kaden interjected with sagacity. “Doesn’t he realize that the one with the most power and fear in the drug world makes the most money?”

“If you ask me, he’s lazy,” Tanner smirked. “He basks in sitting around the pool all day with whores hanging onto his dick, believing it’s the ultimate sign of his success and status.”

“In other words,” Kaden interjected, “you believe he was just a puppet whose strings were pulled by another master.”

“Exactly.” Tanner’s gaze hardened. “And we all know who that puppet master is.”

“Which puppet show are we discussing?” The entrance of Slade Lewis, Sage’s uncle, disrupted the discourse like a storm cloud rolling in. The lines etched onto his fatigued face was evidence of the endless responsibilities and pressure of his position as Deputy Director of the CIA. “Sorry I’m late. I was stuck in a meeting with the secret service.”

“On a Saturday? Don’t those bastards give you a break, even over weekends?” Keith’s incredulity punctuated the moment. “Macallan?”

“Fuck, yes. Make it a double.” With a weary gesture, Slade swept a hand through his hair, momentarily revealing the toll of the past months. The battle against criminal enterprises had grown more complex, expanding beyond the realm of violence into the intricate web of economic stability.

The recollection of recent events colored the air with tension. Sage and Triple K’s rapid response, coupled with Tanner and Slade’s covert collaboration with the commission investigating the resurfacing of an attempted banking fraud, had averted a financial catastrophe in the country. The collective effort had prevented the brink of what could have been the most devastating economic crisis the nation had ever faced.

“I assume you’re talking about Sanchigo?” Slade said in a composed tone as he savored the whiskey’s essence unfolding across his taste buds. The initial contact was a delicate dance of warmth, a soft embrace that spread through his mouth. Hints of oak and vanilla whispered on his tongue. The woody undertones were a nod to time itself, a reminder that craftsmanship and patience yielded such refined pleasures.

If only patience was that easy to come by in his job, life would be so much easier.

Taking another contemplative sip, he looked around the room. “Sanchigo,” he repeated. “Did you find the bastard?”

“Not yet. That fuckface disappeared off the face of the earth.” Kaden shook his head. “My instincts warn me he’s somewhere strategizing his revenge. It was his first big failure playing in the financial playpen. Something that wouldn’t sit well with a man like him since it put him in a bad light with all the rich business investors who bought into the Golden Wizards.”

“But the group doesn’t exist anymore, right?” Kevin confirmed. “Everyone who was involved was caught and jailed at the time as conspirators intending to sink our economy.”

“True, but as long as Sanchigo is out there, who knows what he has up his sleeve.” Tanner finished his drink. “Take my word for it. He’s not skulking around licking his wounds somewhere. He’ll be furious that his brilliant plan was foiled. First on his list, we now know, is me. Not only for my ability to have the transportation bill scrapped but also because I managed to fool them as one of the investors. He’s known for acting with cruelty when he’s been opposed. True to his nature as a mafia crime lord, he’s going to hit where it hurts—family and loved ones.”

“So, that’s why you needed such stringent security on your farm. You’re worried he might get to Sera,” Keith said.

“Who’s Sera?” Slade, who hadn’t met her yet, looked confused.

“Ah, of course, you wouldn’t know,” Kevin interjected. “You’ve been galivanting around the globe playing Rambo again. Our beloved senator over here got himself a fiancé. Gorgeous and feisty woman, as to be expected, of course.”

Slade looked at Tanner questioningly. “You got engaged? Overnight? Doesn’t sound like you, my friend. So, I call bullshit on that theory. What’s the real story here?”

“Shoulda known you wouldn’t be fooled.” Tanner scratched his beard and continued with a wry grin, “I suppose it comes naturally from never trusting anything at face value.”

“Hold on,” Keith frowned at Tanner. “You’renotreally engaged?” His face lit up. “So, the little dove is actually free to spread her wings?”
