Page 26 of Radical Daddy

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“You’ll keep your paws off her if you know what’s good for you, you little shit,” Tanner growled as he looked around the room. “I never do anything half-assed—fake engagement included. For as long as she’s my pretend fiancé, she will act and be treated as such. Do I make myself clear?”

“Oh,” Keith saluted him with a satisfied grin spreading over his face. “As clear as crystal, Senator Wilde.”

“Fuck off, asshole.”

“So, if Sera isn’t a long-lost love you reacquainted and fell in love with in a recent Africa excursion, as you told us, who is she exactly and how does she fit into this entire fucked-up picture?” Kaden’s voice was harsh. He didn’t appreciate that Tanner, who was his best friend, had kept the truth from him.

“No need to be upset, Kaden. I was sworn to secrecy, but now that the cat is out of the bag…” He sighed as he sat down. “Sera is a DEA Special Ops Recovery Agent. She led the rescue team who found me on that godforsaken island. She has been investigating Salvitore Sanchigo for years.”

“So, the DEA planted her as your fake fiancé… why exactly?” Keith asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“Actually, she’s supposed to be my bodyguard. The engagement is the cover.”

There was a brief silence after Tanner’s statement, then a choir of guffaws exploded from all around. He was hard pressed not to roll his eyes. In the end, an indulgent smile tugged on his lips in recognition of their amusement.

Tanner held a black masters’ belt in both Krav Maga and Silat, which was why they found the need for a bodyguard so funny. As a youngster, he had started martial arts as an art form. Since he had grown up on Bruce Lee films, he had always dreamed of being as good as his martial arts hero. During the years of his training, he had been drawn to the beauty residing in each discipline he was taught. Watching him perform a kata was a privilege as every movement reiterated his absolute dedication and skill to his art.

“Break it down for us, Tanner. What the fuck is the DEA up to?” Slade’s harsh voice cut through the laughter.

“Long story short, they’re hoping Sanchigo will come for me. When he does, Sera is going to intervene and lock him up.” Tanner suffered another bout of laughter.

“Or so she thinks,” Kaden smirked. “Does she even realize the supposed fake engagement ceased to exist the moment she accepted you as her daddy? Or am I reading the situation wrong?”

“No, you’re not. There’s nothing fake about our relationship as a Daddy and his Babygirl. It was the condition I put out before even agreeing to the entire sham.”

“Condition?” Slade took another sip of his drink, his eyes speculative.

“That the only way I would agree to her being my fiancé was if she became my Babygirl and fully embraced the lifestyle... with me as her Daddy.”

“So, she’s not a BDSM or a Daddy Dom novice?” Slade prodded.

“Actually, apart from the little she picked up in romance fiction novels, she was a novice. Although, I have to say, she is a very quick learner.” Tanner got up. His eyes drifted to the two women waiting at the bar. His cock twitched against his pants as expectation of the pleasures awaiting him with her tonight flashed through his mind.

“I think it’s time I introduce my little girl to a proper BDSM Daddy session. Let’s get this treasure hunt on the go, shall we?”

“Indeed,” Kaden said as they all trailed after Tanner, eager for a night of kinky fun.

“Kaden,” Slade held him back with a brief touch on the shoulder. “Having a bodyguard might sound like a joke but the talk on the streets is that the new senator has a target on his back. He needs protection. 24/7.”

“Already done. I’ve got rotating teams on his farm and office, as well as a covert team that shadows him and Sera wherever they go.”

“Good.” Slade’s expression turned pensive. “She might believe she’s here to protect him but being by his side puts her in as much danger as he is. Sanchigo is out for vengeance.” His eyes darkened. “Believe me, I’ve seen what he does to those who oppose him. Tanner made a fool of him. That’s something Sanchigo will never forget.”

“We’ve got this, Slade. No one is going to die under my watch.”

“I’m glad. Now… let’s see if this old geezer can find a sub in the mood for a little Daddy domination.”

Chapter Ten

“Treasure hunt? Really, Tanner? Ouch!” she rubbed her arm where he had pinched her. “What was that for?”

“I have a relatively good memory and I do recall having told you what to call me here at the club,” he said unrepentantly.

“A gentle reminder would have had the same effect, you know,” she mumbled under her breath.

“Speak up, Babygirl. I don’t appreciate mumbling.”

“I was just pointing out that due to the nature of my work and skills as a recovery agent, I might have an unfair advantage over the other submissives…” The hesitation was marked. “Master Thor.”
