Page 27 of Radical Daddy

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“The only advantage you will have is to find your treasure list quicker so our fun can begin. This isn’t a competition, little one. It’s all about finding the right letter, so you can achieve utmost pleasure.”

She tilted her head. “So, which letter would you suggest I find, Daddy? I mean, since I’m no expert of BDSM terminology, I wouldn’t know if I’m searching for the best option.”

“Hmm, I’d say my favorites would be a, b, c, n, and p. Of course, you might not agree once I select one of the activities on the list.”

Sera quickly tapped into her database, listing the letters Tanner had chosen and cross-referencing the word from each to the possible activities she had picked up on reading about it. The only two she could recall for the letter A were anal and abrasion, neither of which she believed she was ready for. The letter b could be bondage or blindfold, and c no doubt involved the clitoris. N could have numerous nipple play activities associated with it, and the letter p could be pussy whipping or public sex for all she knew.

Lord! How was she supposed to survive this night if all of those made her entire lower body throb with anticipation? Of course, fear also played its part. Some scenes could be torture for a submissive so close to the edge and already quivering with lustful thoughts. At least she would be able to predict what to expect.

Perhaps finding a completely different letter would be advantageous, like the letter x or z. Surely there was no scene starting with any of those? On the other hand, this was about kink, so one way or the other, she had no doubt every letter of the alphabet had something linked to it.

Her pussy had become a deluge, moisture seeping into her panties with no end in sight. With each second that ticked by, she felt more and more uncomfortable. The lace of her panties was beginning to chafe her swollen folds—not that Tanner noticed. His brow was creased into a scowl while he perused the page in front of him.

“Earth to Master Thor,” she said to draw his attention. “What is that? Another secret rule of the treasure hunt you forgot to mention?”

“No, this is the map of the area in play and where you will find the clues for the keys that will unlock the boxes safeguarding the lists. The best game plan is to decide upfront which one you’re going to search for and concentrate on that one. It’s the best way to get to it quickly before anyone else does. You don’t want to end up with the least popular letters available if you search blindly without a plan.”

“I’m an expert, Master Thor. I don’t need to be told how to find hidden treasures.”

“And I’m your master in the scene and your Daddy whose advice you should listen to.”

“As if you’ll allow me to forget,” she muttered. “So, when do we start?”

“Come, all the submissives are gathered at the bar. Once the bell is rung, the hunt begins.” He patted her on the chin. “I’ll be rooting for you, Babygirl. I’d be mighty impressed if you found me the n or c list. I might even give you an extra treat to show my appreciation.” With a quick kiss, he left her with the rest of the submissives. “I’ll be waiting for you in the corner overlooking the garden. Good luck.”

Sera joined the submissives. Their excitement was palpable and contagious, and she found herself itching to begin searching for the keys. She listened with half an ear to Keith rumbling off the rules while she studied the treasure map. It didn’t take much deduction to decipher it and by the time the bell rang, she had two letters she was chasing. Not surprisingly, it was n and c. She was off like a hot potato while the final chimes were still ringing in her ears.

The hunt was on!

Focusing on only finding the two letters she had decided upon, Sera was oblivious to the excited twitter and scattering around of the other submissives. Determination was etched on her face as she stopped at the entrance of the dungeon to study the map. The distinct smell of leather and wood filled her nostrils, inviting her to take a brief look around. The entrance hall into the dungeon was lush with the same coloring and furniture as the rest of the club. Tanner had explained earlier this was where Doms brought the submissives for aftercare, which was probably why it had a homey vibe.

A movement behind her spurred her on to continue her search. Now wasn’t the time to gawk at the enormous amount of pleasure instruments and benches she passed in her quest. When she walked past the torture chamber, she cringed at the chains and steel cages she noticed inside. The shudder running down her spine was unmistakable. There was no way she was going in there for a closer look, even if she had time on her side. Not that it would happen, anyway. Tanner had set her mind at ease that no hardcore scenes were allowed at the club. Even so, a tinge of trepidation remained.

“Ah-hah! I knew it would be here.” Triumph flared in her eyes. Her fingers snatched up the golden key that was attached with a small chain to the Saint Andrew’s Cross in the far corner. “Now, where the devil would the box be?” Once again, she studied the map. “Hmm, I suppose X marks the spot, right?” She looked around and with another cry of victory, she spotted a small square black box with a bright red bow on a spanking bench. Her fingers had just closed around the box when a redhead submissive ran into the chamber.

“Ah, shit! I thought I would get here first,” she protested, but with a wave of defeat, she spun about and moved on with her search.

“Okay, I’m not supposed to open the box,” she muttered as she glared at it. “You damn well better be the letter c.”

With her precious treasure clutched between her hands, she walked back out of the dungeon to find her Daddy.

Tanner’s expression showed his surprise when Sera arrived so quickly where he was chatting with Slade and Kaden in the entertainment chamber.

“Aren’t you breaking the rules, Babygirl?” He raised an eyebrow as she placed the box proudly on the table before him.

“What rules? I had to find the treasure, not open it, and hand it to my Daddy.” She pointed to the box. “Okay, sorry. I put it on the table.” Snatching it up, she held it out to him. “Here you go, Daddy. I found your treasure,” she recalled the phrase she was supposed to say.

He studied the box. A smirk played around his lips when he nodded. “So, it would appear.” He patted his lap. “Come here, Babygirl.”

Sera took her seat on Tanner’s lap and sighed in bliss when he gently rubbed her neck.

“I’m proud of you, my pet. You’re the first to have found treasure.” He removed the bow and gave her a sideways glance as he unlocked the box. “So, which letter did you search for?”

“I chose two. C and N.” She pointed at the box. “If I read the map correctly, that should be the C list.”

“Well, let’s see, shall we?” The twinkle of mischief in his gaze indicated his approval. Sera held her breath as he removed the lid. If it was the letter C, she hoped he would choose clit play. Just the thought made her little nub buzz and tingle with anticipation.

“Hmm, I’m impressed once again, Babygirl. It’s indeed the letter C. Good thing I came prepared.” Wiggling his eyebrows, he reached inside his pocket.
