Page 8 of Radical Daddy

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Her heart skipped a beat as his nose twitched and his full lips curved into an involuntary smile at her speechlessness. Despite his weakened state, he exuded a captivating presence, reminiscent of a modern-day suave noir hero, especially with the dark and neat beard that covered part of his face. Only slightly pale now, his naturally tanned skin seemed to accentuate his allure.

Her mind, a frenzied hive of thoughts, sifted through the fragments of information she had meticulously gathered about this man as part of her research on Salvitore Sanchigo. Tanner Wilde, a figure defined by resilience, a man who had stared down adversity’s harshest blows and emerged victorious through sheer determination and an unyielding spirit. The reports had spoken of his unrelenting nature, his unshakable strength, yet also hinted at the softer contours of his character, the compassion and care he bestowed upon those who earned his regard.

“Need help in finding the southerly direction, miss? I’ll be only too happy to assist.”

Sera snatched her hands from his arm and forced a deep breath into her lungs. “I was just checking if you were in a condition to be moved.”

“I’ve been ready to go home for weeks. If you think for a second anything you say will change me walking out of this goddamn hospital today, think again.”

With narrowed eyes he regarded her. “I’ve seen you before. More than once, I believe. Who are you and what the devil are you doing pawing me?”

“Ah, I see you found your fiancé, Miss Brookes.” The nurse Sera had met earlier arrived in the room like a welcome breeze.

“Fiancé?” Tanner’s clipped question reached her ears in a hushed whisper.

Sera smiled brightly as she leaned over to place a brief kiss on his lips. Ignoring the warning flash in his eyes, she cooed in a honeyed voice, “Oh, yes. My honeybuns can’t wait to go home so that we can finally celebrate our engagement.” She cupped his chin. “Isn’t that right, honey?”

“Indeed,” he said, taking the warning flashing in her eyes to play along to heart.

“Well, before you go anywhere, I need to check your vitals and then Dr. White needs to examine you before he can sign your release forms. He’ll be along shortly.”

The nurse chatted non-stop while she performed her duties, unconcerned that the two people didn’t respond to her chatter. The moment the door closed behind her; Tanner caught Sera’s hand.

“Now, Miss Brookes, just what the hell is going on here?”

“I’m Special Agent Sera Brookes with the DEA National Intelligence Operations Offices. I led the team who rescued you from the Jalizio Cartel. I am your undercover bodyguard, Senator.” She exhaled slowly. “As your fiancé.”

Tanner stared at her as she continued to explain her purpose in detail. His gaze turned dark and then danced in different hues of silver-gray as he considered the possibilities of having a fiancé on hand.

“There is one very important aspect you and your deputy chief didn’t consider when you came up with this…mission, Miss Brookes.”

“And what is that?”

“If you are to be my fiancé, you’ll have to adhere to all the requirements I would have if it had been a real engagement. If you can’t commit to that, you may just as well walk out of this room now.”

“I am already committed to this mission, Senator. Whatever your requirements are, they will be met.”

“Good. Then, from this moment forward you will call me Daddy when we are alone.”

Chapter Four

Salvitore Sanchigo’s luxurious mansion at Mayan King Ranch, east of the Maya King Waterfalls, Santa Cruz, Belize…

Salvitore Sanchigo commanded a room with an undeniable presence that could not be ignored. When he entered, a sense of anticipation filled the air, as if those who knew him were acutely aware of the potential chaos he could unleash at any moment. His tall, commanding stature and robust build were matched by his striking snow-white hair, contrasting sharply against his deeply tanned complexion. This unique combination gave him an almost mythical aura, akin to that of a character from medieval tales.

Sanchigo’s sinister reputation spread like a shadow, casting fear over anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path. His influence was so profound that even those in positions of authority dared not challenge him. Chief judges, police chiefs, and a web of law enforcement agencies found themselves entangled in a web of secrecy and deception, all in a desperate effort to distance themselves from the illicit dealings tied to his extensive business empire. The crown jewel of his enterprises was the notorious Lloyd Gambling Group, a nexus of vice and intrigue that oozed with the scent of danger.

Much like the mobsters of eras past, Sanchigo ruled over the vibrant tapestry of New Orleans with an iron grip. He was a kingpin who operated on his own terms, unfettered by the norms of society. He stood as the embodiment of the malevolent power wielded by the city’s criminal elite, serving as a chilling reminder of the inevitable doom that awaited those who found themselves caught in the crosshairs of his ambitions. The city’s nickname, ‘The Big Easy,’ seemed almost ironic in the face of Sanchigo’s iron-fisted control, underscoring the harsh reality that his reign brought to those who dared to defy him.

Now, forced to escape the claws of the law, Salvitore Sanchigo found himself on the run, seeking refuge far away from the unwanted chaos that had consumed his life. The revelation of his true identity, and the subsequent exposure of his involvement in a thwarted banking fraud scheme, had forced his hand. For the past couple of months, he had sought solace on his recently acquired farm nestled within the lush landscapes of Belize. Or rather, for a man of Salvitore’s stature, this was less about hiding and more about biding his time, for he was not one to cower before anyone or anything.

Carlo Coldero, his birth name, was a mere alias that he employed sparingly, a mask to obscure his true identity when dealing with the mundane matters of property and assets. It was under the name of Salvitore Sanchigo that he wielded true power—a name that sent shivers down the spines of those who understood the depths of his malevolence. One, that held the key to the dark terror he could unleash with a mere nod of his head.

“Where’s my newspaper?” An air of authority clung to Salvitore like an invisible shroud as he walked into the opulent dining room. Despite the palpable power he exuded, his demeanor remained nonchalant, almost casual. His muscular physique was at ease, and his face betrayed no signs of the storm brewing within him.

“Next to your plate, as usual, sir.” Bulldog, aka Fritz Danzig, stood sentinel as Salvitore made his entrance. A bodyguard and an expert assassin, he could read the intricacies of Salvitore’s expressions like a well-worn book. He recognized the dangerous glint hidden behind the veneer of calm—a simmering anger and mounting frustration that threatened to erupt at any moment. It was a familiar pattern, one that Bulldog had witnessed before. He knew that the explosion, when it came, would be cataclysmic, sparing no one in its path. Salvitore was not built for restraint; his very nature rebelled against any form of limitation. To confine him was to ignite a volatile force that would raze everything in its wake, much like a caged beast driven to madness by confinement.

“It seems my friend Diego failed to achieve success,” Salvitore grumbled irritably as he quickly paged through the paper. “Bah!Stupido idiota! I should’ve known better and just taken the matter into my own hands from the get-go.”

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