Page 7 of Radical Daddy

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“Ah, yes.” He grimaced as though he expected a volcanic eruption. “It’ll be up to you to explain your position in his life to the senator when you pick him up.”

“What? He doesn’t even know he’s been saddled with a fiancé?”

“As I said, it’ll be—”

“Yeah, I fucking got it.”

“Good luck, Brookes. Word has it that the senator isn’t in a good mood. He’s been chomping at the bit to go home for the past two weeks.”

“Wonderful. Trust me to be the one stuck with an unwanted fiancé and a grumpy one at that,” she snickered as she slammed the door shut behind her.

The next morning…

Sera strode purposefully down the neatly paved pathway leading to the hospital entrance. The click of her high heel boots sounded foreign to her ears. She was more comfortable in sneakers and lace-up boots, but due to the role she had to play, she was forced to dress up. Luckily the ‘wardrobe’ she was supplied by the agency was chic and comfortable. She looked effortlessly chic wearing designer jeans and a luxurious apricot cashmere sweater. The silky abundance of her honey-colored curls bounced gracefully as she walked, enhancing her poised appearance. Taking in her surroundings, she observed the orderly walkways bordered by green lawns and flanked by modern buildings of concrete and glass—a serene haven of peace and tranquility, far from the chaos of a bustling city.

“Well, here goes nothing,” she mumbled to herself as the glass doors silently slid open upon her approach. Having studied the hospital’s layout before leaving home, she knew exactly where she was heading. Stepping inside, she made her way toward the stairs, and climbed the four flights with quick, purposeful steps. Sera’s commitment to fitness and mindful eating kept her in peak condition, which was evident in the agile grace of her steps.

“Fucking hell, I’m not ready for this,” she whispered. Her stomach clenched in anticipation as she neared the private ward where Senator Tanner Wilde would be waiting.

This marked the first time Sera would come face-to-face with him since the rescue. After ensuring his safe delivery and care by the hospital staff, she had returned home. She was surprised as a sudden sense of guilt gnawed at her for not checking in on him since then.

Stepping into the intensive care ward, she noticed an immediate shift in the atmosphere. The air carried a fresh, perfumed scent, and the plush chairs exuded comfort. Everything seemed meticulously maintained, with not a speck of dust in sight. Vases of fresh flowers and beautiful framed artwork contributed to the soothing environment. Nurses unhurried and gracefully making their rounds, added to the tranquil ambiance.

“Can I help you, miss?” Sera startled at the voice suddenly sounding beside her. She turned to face a friendly, petite nurse who watched her with a curious expression.

“I’m here for Senator Wilde.” The smile she offered was warm and friendly.

The nurse glanced at the clock above the nurses’ station. “Visiting time isn’t for another three hours.” Her eyes narrowed perceptively. “I haven’t seen you here before.”

“Oh! I’m Sera Brookes. Tanner’s fiancé.” She smiled broadly as she flashed the diamond ring on her finger. “I’ve been stuck in Africa since our engagement because of work commitments and could only get back here now. I’ve been so worried about him.”

“I see.” Her demeanor softened a bit. “Sounds like you and he have a romantic story to tell.”

Sera planted a playful grin on her lips. “Oh, we do. He’s such a gentle giant.” She wrung her hands together in pretend agitation. “May I see him, please? I’m actually here to take him home.”

“I’m afraid Senator Wilde is under protective guard. I’ll fetch the agent in charge to speak with you.”

“Oh, thank you so much.”

Sera refrained from rolling her eyes in exasperation as she watched the nurse trot off. “Enough with the ohs, Sera. Don’t overdo it. Be yourself as much as possible or this entire façade is going to blow up in your face.”

“Agent Brookes?” The deep voice behind her was wrought with surprise. Sera turned to face the agent in charge. “I have to admit, when they told me they procured a covert bodyguard in the form of a fiancé for the senator, you weren’t even on the list of names that popped up in my mind.”

“So happy I could be a source of entertainment for you, Agent Farlow,” she responded in a dry tone.

The burly man grinned as he started walking down the hallway. “I’ve been told not to say anything to him, so I assume the pleasant task of informing him he’s going home with a ball and chain around his neck is up to you.” His smile widened. “I can’t wait to watch these episodes unfold, especially since he’s been in such a shit mood for the past two weeks.” He pointed to a closed door on the right. “In there. He might still be asleep.”

With the utmost caution, Sera gently turned the doorknob, and slipped into the room with bated breath, her heart thudding with anticipation. Her eyes instantly fixated on the figure sprawled across the bed as she approached him, each step taken in silence. As she drew nearer, her breath grew laborious, the surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins akin to being in hyperdrive, ready to propel her like a rocket. Standing by his side, she couldn’t help but be entranced by his presence, even in his battered state. Despite the discolored bruises that painted his face in an array of hues and extended down to his arms and—

“Oh, good Lord, I forgot how badly beaten up you were,” she whispered to herself, her heart aching at the sight that lay before her. Carefully lifting the edge of the hospital gown, she peered at his chest, her eyes tracing every inch of his once unblemished skin, now marred by similar bruises and healing cuts. A broad bandage concealed his stomach, a stark indication of the gravity of his injuries. The desire to examine the rest of his body surged within her, but she quickly quelled it. She knew she couldn’t risk being discovered by him or anyone else, especially considering the extent of his torment and the imminent danger he faced.

Sera found herself startled as her hands moved of their own accord, delicately tracing the veins on his hands, and caressing the well-defined lines of his forearms and biceps, which subtly rippled beneath her feather-light touch. She momentarily froze when he shifted restlessly. Glancing at his face, she breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that he was still soundly asleep. Yet, she couldn’t bring herself to withdraw her hands from his inviting musculature. A whirlwind of emotions swirled within her—a mixture of tenderness, concern, and an undeniable surge of desire. She knew she had to temper the latter given the circumstances. With reverent eyes closed, she savored another fleeting moment of his warm skin beneath her palm.

“Either direct your touch further south or remove your hands from my body. Sexual teasing becomes torment when a man is in a weakened state.”

“Oh!” Sera’s eyes fluttered open at the guttural voice, but her hands remained as if glued to his arm. The stark contrast of the crisp white sheets against his short dark hair, sprinkled with silver, struck her as she gazed at him. The sight left her feeling slightly lightheaded, captivated by his attractiveness. “I… ehm…”

In a moment unlike any she had experienced before, she was rendered speechless as his unyielding gaze ensnared her own. Her eyes embarked on a journey, mapping the intricacies of his countenance, tracing every chiseled and distinctly masculine line. He embodied the sort of features that demanded recognition, a presence that compelled women to pause in their tracks and gaze in wonderment. An aura of strength, courage, and unwavering assertiveness radiated from him that left her momentarily breathless, caught in the thrall of his undeniable magnetism.
