Page 28 of Darling Dmitri

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A red haze formed over my eyes, and I took a step in that direction. I didn’t give a fuck if the whole cheer squad was stretching in synchronicity. That fucker had his hands on her. He was basically dry humping her in public.

“You sure take this legal guardian shit to the extreme, don’t you?” Roman’s mouth lifted slightly with a mysterious look. This crazy motherfucker, who’d basically stalked Theo to the point he should’ve been arrested, was watching me like I was the one insane.Me. It was ludicrous and completely unacceptable.

I rolled my shoulders, watching as fuckboy eased back and grabbed Sorina’s other leg, pressing into her. Again. My blood boiled hotter than the oppressive heat outside.

A whistle blew behind us. “Come on. Don’t get on Coach’s bad side before we even play our first game.” Roman slapped me on the shoulder pads. “Running five miles in pads in one-hundred-degree weather sucks. Trust me.”

I followed him, thinking about how I needed to address this shit soon. I needed to address myself and not do something stupid.

Practice for me only grew worse, and that pissed me off, too. I couldn’t keep my focus. I fucked up on my passing routes and dropped several balls thrown right into my hands. Coach was all over my ass. My teammates were, too. Roman shook his head at me in disappointment but said nothing.

Axel bumped into me as we went back to the huddle. “Your play is trash today, bro.”

“Fuck off.” I shoved him aside. He wasn’t anywhere near being off my shit list right now, as far as things went with Sorina.

He grabbed a fistful of my jersey and got in my face. “You wanna go, motherfucker?”

Wrong day, wrong time to start this. Axel constantly mouthed off on the field, but I was already seething with rage, and something had to give. I caught his facemask and ripped the helmet off his head. “Not the day to start with me.” Then I drove his ass to the ground.

“I’ll fuck you up,” Axel growled, knocking off my helmet and taking a swing at me. I didn’t even feel the impact of his punch because I was past the point of caring and wanted to kill him. Next thing I remembered was Roman and Nick dragging me off him and other teammates and coaches stepping between us. Axel struggled to get back at me again, while I tried to fight off Roman and Nick.

“Goddammit, we’re a team. Get your act together. Don’t jack around and waste my time with this horseshit. Take it out on your opponents, not your teammates.” Coach’s face was red, and spit flew from his mouth. It would’ve been comical if I wasn’t still itching to kill my friend. “Nineteen and thirty-two,” he called out my number and Axel’s. “You can spend the rest of practice doing bear crawls.”

“Fuck,” Axel groaned under his breath.

I spit on the ground but said nothing. Bear crawling in pads would be brutal, but I was too pissed off to care.


“Wow, your tumbling runs are amazing.” Julian eyed me in awe.


“I’ve rarely seen anyone who gets that much height in the air, and seriously? A triple twist?”

“Stop fangirling, you’re making her nervous.” Carly shoved him playfully in the arm as we walked across the field after cheer practice.

Julian rolled his eyes. “Girl, please. I’m just being honest. Sorina’s the shit out there.” He slung his arm around my shoulder. “Someone’s been holding out on us.”

“How so?” I glanced at him in puzzlement.

“Don’t act like you don’t know what I mean. You were a gymnast, weren’t you?”

I shrugged, not surprised. “Yeah, I took gymnastics for a few years.”

“Phhfft, a few years?” He laughed. “Right. The way you tumbled out there, you’ve been doing this for more than a few years. Like all your life. You were into hardcore gymnastics.”

“Yeah, something like that,” I said, and averted my head, not really wanting to discuss this anymore.

“I knew it.” Julian turned to Carly as if they’d had a running bet on whether I was a former gymnast or not. After rooming with them for several weeks, it was amazing how well we gelled. It was as though I’d known them for years.

“Of course, you did. You think you know everything,” Carly said shaking her head and took off toward her car, saying over her shoulder, “I have to pick up some books I have on hold for my American Lit class, so I’ll catch up with y’all later.”

“Why don’t you pick up some takeout for us on your way?” Julian asked.

“Sorry. Not your personal delivery driver,” she called out, and her car beeped as she unlocked it.

“Why does she have to be so selfish?” he wondered out loud, then nodded in the direction of his Volvo. “Come on.”

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