Page 29 of Darling Dmitri

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As we walked, he peered down at me. “So, why aren’t you pursuing a gymnastics career instead?”

“I like cheer better.” That was my automatic response when people asked me about why I wasn’t a gymnast. It wasn’t unusual for cheerleaders to have participated in gymnastics. Many did and made the transition into cheerleading because most realized their gymnastics career would only go so far. Not to mention the dedication to the sport was a major commitment. You had no social life if you were dedicated to being the best gymnast.

“Girl, don’t lie. I took gymnastics for a few years and was mediocre at best. But you?” He smiled smugly. “You look like you spent years hardcore training. Like you had Olympic dreams and shit. Like you could’ve made an Olympic team. You know, Hillside recently acquired one of the top gymnastic coaches in the country.”

“Yeah, I heard.” I was well aware of the new coaching staff that took over the program. My former coach. Every gymnast with stars in her eyes wanted the chance to train with him. It was like winning the gymnastics lotto to have the opportunity. Only an idiot would let an opportunity like that slip through their fingers. Or give it up.Like me. Some would sacrifice their pride and self-respect to reach the top. No matter the price.

Julian still had his arm around me as he stopped short, turning me to face him. “Did I say something wrong?”

I shook off my unease like an unwanted pest and forced a reply. “It’s fine, really. I did love gymnastics. I just grew tired of the excessive training and not having a social life.” I stared down at the ground because that part was kind of true, but not the main reason. Not a legit reason for me to give it all up. Sometimes I questioned myself if I was too weak to make it.Do you have what it takes?Come here. Show me how badly you want it. I heard the imaginary snap in my head and pushed those words aside. “It was once my dream to go to the Olympics…but in the end, I guess I wasn’t mentally prepared to do whatever it took to get there.”

“Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself,” Julian said, and pulled me into a hug. It took me a minute to realize what I’d admitted.

I was about to answer, but I peered sideways and saw Dmitri leaning against his sleek sports car. His inky hair clung to his temples. He looked intimidating in his football pants and…shirtless. Sweat glistened on his chest, and his muscles flexed when he crossed his arms. More tattoos covered his skin. One I recognized as a lion’s head covered his left pec. In the exact spot where he had that scar. His ink hid the scars of his past. My pulse beat a little faster. Why did I have those inexplicable reactions when he was around? I noticed his eyes were narrowed at me.

However, my stupid reaction evaporated when I noticed a tall, lithe blond girl sidle right up next to him. I soon recognized it was our cheer captain, Julie. She leaned into him, practically squashing her boobs against his chest as she stood on her tiptoes. If she moved in any closer, she would be imprinted in his skin. Something that felt a lot like jealousy ignited in my chest. Or it could’ve just been indigestion. That’s what I was going with. He barely gave her a glance, but did manage to flash a charming smile at her.

“Let’s grab some food and go home and watch Netflix and chill.” Julian captured my attention, baring an impish dimple.

“Yeah. Let’s get out of here.” I threw Dmitri a final gaze before I curled into Julian’s arm as we strolled to his car. I didn’t chance another glance. I didn’t need to. I felt the heat at my back, and it wasn’t because of the hot August summer.

“Sorina, you have to help me out here.” Julian groaned, holding me high above his head by my foot. I tried to fight the wobble and stay straight, with my arms pointed to the sky and my other leg bent close. Julian was my partner on this lift, and I was still learning how to master it.

“I’m trying.” My muscles twitched as I tried to keep my balance, but I couldn’t. I was falling, and luckily, I landed in his arms. Practicing in the apartment parking lot probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do. We’d come back from grabbing a bite to eat and somehow ended up working on this stunt.

“You have to use your core muscles to stay tight and steady. I’ll get you up there easily, but you have to be straight and hold it together when you’re above me.” He released me to stand by his side.

“I know. I’m just not used to this. I’ve never done stunts with one base. I’m used to working with two or three people supporting me.”

“It takes practice.” Then he placed his palm on my stomach, tapping gently. “And more core work,” he said. Which gave me pause, because I did abdominal work twenty-four seven. We even started taking a Pilates class together.

I peered up at him with uncertainty. “Do you think I’m fat?”

“What? Are you serious?” He gazed down at me and sobered. “I was just teasing you. You look amazing.”

“What the fuck are you doing?” The words were growled out as Dmitri stood behind us like an ominous thundercloud. Julian was over six feet tall, but seemed dwarfed in his presence. His hand slid away from my stomach, dropping to his side.

I frowned. “What are you doing here at my apartment?”

“Told you I’d stop by.” He tipped a chin at Julian. “Who the fuck is he?”

Normally, getting a rise out of Dmitri gave me life, but I didn’t want to do it at Julian’s expense. “Excuse me? I’m her roommate,” Julian interjected. “Who the hell are you?”

“Someone who will fuck you up if I see you touch her again.”

Julian looked down at me. His brown eyes widened in disbelief. “Is this your boyfriend or something?”

I tilted my head slowly. “No.”

“Jilted ex who doesn’t know boundaries?”

Julian had nerve; I would give him that. If I wasn’t worried about what Dmitri would do, I would find this amusing. But now was probably not the time for my friend to showcase his humor. I shook my head and chanced a peek at the grumpy Russian, whose jaw clenched and seemed as though he would strike at any moment. I did catch a glimpse of his altercation on the practice field earlier with his friend, Axel, which I found odd. He must be having a bad day. Too bad for him.

Julian pulled out his phone. “Do I need to call 911?”

“Do it, and it will be the last phone call you ever make.” Dmitri didn’t hesitate with his warning.

“Jesus,” Julian whispered, and the casualness was wiped from his face. I inwardly groaned, rubbing my forehead.
