Page 40 of Darling Dmitri

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Then, one of the backup wide receivers on the team materialized out of the blue to approach her side. You’ve got to me kidding me. What the fuck was Casper doing? His pale skin flushed light pink from the sun, though it looked like he was slathered in sunscreen because he had streaks of lotion all over his skin. He looked like a walking peppermint. He was so freaking pale, hence the name Casper. His real name was Cooper, I think. I was surprised he had the courage to speak to her, much less any other girl, because he was awkward as fuck. But why was I surprised? Was no one immune to her damn charm?

Sorina flashed a smile because she would never be rude to anyone, anyone except me, however talking to a block of wood would be more riveting than anything that came out of Casper’s mouth.

His head bent down, eyes directed at her chest, and at that moment, I thought maybe he wasn’t so damn harmless. Perhaps I needed to show him the error of his ways. I was about to strangle douche-dude beside me as he kept rambling on about the game. I continued to watch as Casper pointed at Sorina’s necklace that was again nestled between her tits. She had this wistful look in her eyes as she spoke, probably giving him a heartbreaking story about how she’d had it since she was baptized, and it was one of the few things she had from her mother. A flash of guilt passed through me, remembering my promise to Arty and the secret we’d kept from her.

Casper lifted his milky stick of a wrist and pointed to his watch. What do you know? He must’ve had his own fucking keepsake story, too. Great. Next thing he would probably suggest was that they ditch this party and make a fucking keepsake quilt together, or some shit. What started out semi-amusing was becoming nauseating at breakneck speed.

I was about to shut this down when Axel stood beside me, glanced at Sorina and then me, and said, “I got this.”

Before I could ask whatthiswas, he yelled out, “Hey, Casper, take a hike.” He pointed at Sorina. “That one’s off-limits.”


If there were a moment for what seemed like a record scratch, then this would be it. Actually, it was more like a minor scratch because the music still played around us and conversations were still going on, just not in the immediate vicinity of the shallow end of the pool. Or maybe it was just my imagination. Cooper, or Casper as Axel called him, cautiously raised his eyes at said perpetrator, then waved at me awkwardly, mumbling a, “See you later,” before trudging away.

I glanced at Axel, whose eyes I couldn’t see behind his sunglasses that reflected the sun and the scenery in front of him like a filter. Two dimples popped out, and perfect white teeth beamed, so he must be pleased with himself as he postured like a muscled compact wall with beautiful graffiti on his skin.

Not to mention, Dmitri was beside him, standing a few inches taller than him—and Axel was tall by most standards. Dmitri was leaner, but still all muscle and broad shoulders and tattoos. His expression was a myriad of the man himself—arrogant, indifferent on the outside, with a promise of fire on the inside that would burn bright if provoked, and right now, he looked like he wanted to scorch me. I watched with skepticism as they both approached.

“You having fun, troublemaker?” Axel grinned as if he didn’t try to embarrass me minutes before. Why? The closer they were, the clearer I saw Dmitri’s expression. He didn’t share in the humor.

“I wasn’t causing trouble.”

They both continued to move in on me as Axel ran a finger over the bridge of his nose, tapping his sunglasses in place again. “Sure, you were.”

Dmitri cut in front of Axel, blocking him out. His chest expanded and constricted before me in a slow, controlled cadence, like his tone. “What in the fuck are you wearing?” He stepped so close his toes brushed mine.

“What’s wrong with her suit? She looks hot as hell.” Axel had managed to stand beside me, lowering his shades down his nose, and scanned my choice of clothing.

“Axel.” Dmitri sounded like he’d swallowed razors. “Wrong thing to say right now.”

He pushed his Oakleys in place, looking less than repentant. “Whoa, you are way too fucking uptight. Anyone ever tell you that? I get the protective brother vibe, but it’s just a swimsuit.”

Dmitri looked like he wanted to strangle his friend, or maybe he wanted to strangle me. Probably both of us. It was hard to tell. Either way, he was itching to cause bodily harm to someone. But his cold glare stayed on Axel. “Leave us.”

“Ease up on the intensity. It’s just a party.” Axel threw up his hands, shaking his head as he waded off.

“Answer my question,” he demanded softly.

“It’s been a hot minute, so forgive me if I can’t remember it.” I gave him a parting smile. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

His hand clasped my hip, keeping me in place as he backed me up against the pool wall, shaking his head slowly. “No. Answer me.”

“I don’t need your approval for what I wear. No one else seems to have a problem.”

“I have a problem. That’s the only opinion that matters in your world.” He roved his eyes down my body, and his fingers trailed down my hip, tracing the edge of my bikini that partially covered my ass. “Because there is no way in hell I would’ve allowed you to wear this to the party.” He slid his finger under the hem, running it down my butt slowly and back up. I could feel my nipples tighten. Stretching the fabric taut, he let it go, causing me to startle as the elastic smacked against my skin.

My body singed with his touch. My skin flushed, but I found my voice. “Lucky for you, I’m not seeking your opinion.”

He leaned in, and his breaths touched my forehead while his hand clamped on my waist. “Unlucky for you, you’re going to walk your ass out of the pool and put your cover-up on now.”

“Stop sweet-talking me with your eloquent words. I can’t take much more.” I glanced around him, taking a sip of my drink with no intention of listening to him.

His teeth clenched together. “You have five seconds.”

“Five seconds? Nobody can do something in that amount of time?”

“One,” he sneered.
