Page 89 of Darling Dmitri

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I clutched the football in my hand, trying to keep this restless energy in check. We needed to win this one to be playoff contenders again. Sorina did respond to my text with a question mark, leaving me with a smile. I let her stew about it, but she was going to come clean later. After this game, I was coming for her, and fuck the consequences. I was going to win tonight, take my girl, and right the damn universe again.

I was still reeling from the news earlier. She was having my child.

We took the field, and I kept my head down, focused on what I had to do. We needed this win to prove last season wasn’t a fluke. Roman, Nick, and Axel circled around me, each of us pumping up the other and slapping our pads—pregame rituals we did before we played and were too superstitious to give up.

When we separated, I glanced over and scanned the cheer team warming up. I froze when I saw Sorina bouncing around with her squad.Christ. I wouldn’t be able to concentrate if I was worried about what she was doing the whole damn time. It took every strand of my resistance to keep myself from walking over there and carrying her to the stands, forbidding her to cheer. If something happened to her…

“Easy there, mustang. Stay in the stall.” Nick gripped the collar of my jersey, tugging me back, glancing at her off in the distance. “Let’s win this one, then you can claim your baby mama.”

“Nick. Leave me alone before I pop you in the mouth for good measure.”

He winked. “Save that intensity for the field, bro.” He shoved on his helmet and trotted off.

The game was a battle. We were tied up at twenty-one with four minutes left. It was nothing short of a miracle that I stayed focused on the game, but it didn’t keep me from glancing at Sorina after every play.

We were down at the ten-yard line, pushing to score. This was a set play, a slant route, where I lined up wide and cut across the middle. I knew the ball was coming to me if I could get a step ahead of the defender. That’s all it took, one step. It was a play we’d practiced a million times; I could run this route blindfolded, but I was playing against one of the best cornerbacks in college.

When we broke huddle, I glanced over at Sorina, who was near the end zone. For most of the game, she’d beamed at me as bright as the stadium lights, even though I was still pissed about her leaving out the fact she was pregnant and cheering on the field. However, this time, when our gazes caught, she didn’t smile…she mouthed the words as clear as day. “I love you.”

My heart pounded, and I fucking drew my lips together in an air kiss. That’s how much control she had over me. I was air kissing like a pussy and didn’t give two fucks about it. My eyes conveyed every damn thing I would do as soon as time ran out on the clock. I was gonna score a touchdown and spend every hour of the night with her.

“Hut. Hut!” Troy called out, and I took off, stutter-stepping and juking the defender. I sprinted across the middle. Our QB threw the perfect pass, threading it through the needle of defenders, straight into my hands. I sprinted down the field, fighting off the defenders around me, stretching out my arms until I broke the plane of the end zone. As I felt the heavy weight crashing down on top of me, dragging me down to the ground, I looked up and saw the ref with both hands high up in the air. Touchdown. And the stadium went crazy.

Roman and Axel were at my side, dragging my ass up to celebrate. I spiked the ball and looked over to my left at the sideline, searching for Sorina, who bounced around and cheered, then did a back flip. When she landed, she wobbled and collapsed on the ground.

I shrugged off my teammates, ripping my helmet off and making a mad dash to her.Damn it. She was clearly exhausted and probably lightheaded. If my heart wasn’t in my throat, I would dress her feisty ass down, but I was fighting to keep my composure. People were surrounding her, and I pushed them aside, dropping to my knees in front of her. She was cognizant. Thank God.

“Sorina!” I growled in desperation, tossing my helmet aside, clutching her shoulders. “Are you okay?” I realized I was shaking.

“I’m fine.” Her eyes were lucid, and she laid a hand on my chest. Her move to calm the beast. “You were amazing out there.”

“Fuck,zaychik. Do you know how scared I was seeing you collapse? You shouldn’t even be out here.”

“I’m sorry.” She gazed up at me with remorse on her face, but she said, “I had to be here for you. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” And there went my restraint. I leaned in and devoured her lips. She clutched her hands to my jersey and kissed me just as desperately. With mouths locked together, I lifted her in my arms.

Fighting through the crowd, I carried her toward the tunnel. I didn’t give a fuck about the remaining minute on the clock. I knew my coach would go off on my ass again for leaving the field, and I didn’t give a fuck about that, either. Teammates were calling out to me, but I ignored them. The fans were cheering wildly. None of that mattered, only the girl in my arms. I was impulsive as hell, and my only thought was having time to be alone with her, even if it were only minutes.

Our lips never parted, and I heard the roar of the crowd fade; only the stomping of my cleats on concrete echoed around us. She broke the kiss, glancing down at my number splayed across my chest. “I’m pregnant.”

“I know.” Something primal surged through me. I would’ve never thought I’d relish those words, but hearing her say it, I couldn’t hide my feelings. However, I was still annoyed she was reckless tonight and kept it from me. “If you think finally telling me the truth will get you off the hook for risking your health…”

“I’m sorry.” She twisted her lips remorsefully. “I should’ve told you.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“I was afraid. I didn’t want to be a burden.”

“What the fuck, Sorina? Do you believe I’d ever think that? Do you think I’m that shallow?” I fought to keep from shaking her. “Ifuckinglove you.”

“You do?”

“You infuriating girl, yes. I’m so goddamn crazy about you it’s scares me.”

“Oh,” she said in a small voice but was smiling.

“I’ll let you in on a secret since I swore I’d never withhold information from you again. I’m fucking ecstatic about you being pregnant because it binds you to me even more.”

“That’s messed up,” she said gently, but her eyes zeroed in on my mouth.
