Page 48 of From No to O

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We look at Leo.

Shit. He knows something.

Leo would be the world’s worst poker player. The guy is just too goddamn honest, and his expression gives away almost every thought he has.

Shuffling his feet, he looks down. If this weren’t serious shit, I’d laugh—he looks like a kid about to get in trouble.

“Um, well, I was gonna tell you guys over lunch, but, um, Ava and I, you know, did some stuff yesterday. Last night, actually.”

Jasper’s eyes widen. “Seriously? Way to go, man. But why would she be giving Ethan the stink eye? What’s up with that?”

I’m happy for Leo, the guy hardly ever lets loose, he works so much. But by the way he’s avoiding our gaze, and I have a feeling something didn’t go according to plan.

“Leo?” I say, drawing out each letter of his name. “Do you have something to tell us?”

He mumbles under his breath.

“Can’t hear you, Leo,” Jasper says.

“I told her we know. You know, about her… problem.”

Oh fuck.

Not good.

“Guessing she didn’t take it well?” I ask.

Just a guess.

Leo rubs his hands over his face. “Yeah, no. She left without a word. Like she was freaking catatonic or something.”

Jasper looks out my window like he either might jump, or jump and take Leo with him. Fortunately, neither is possible, only because the windows don’t open.

I check the time on my computer. I have a call, a very important call in five minutes. I need to prepare. But all I can think about now is what must have been running through Ava’s head in the elevator earlier.

Like what a fucking asshole I am.

Jasper and Leo too.

“Well,” I say slowly, falling into my ‘corporate speak,’ like I do when the stress is building and I need to get it under control. “I want to say we can remedy this so everyone walks away happy. But we’re going to have to reconvene later because I have a meetingnow.”

Jasper and Leo look at me like I’m a total douche, but I wave them out the door of my office so I can do some of my famous wheeling and dealing that brings in money and keeps these guys—and me—employed.

A few hours later, I’m leading the guys on a long walk to a new lunch place. It’s my turn to choose and I’m on a mission.

We settle into a booth at a Brazilian steakhouse, and the servers surround us with their skewers of meat.

I point to some tasty-looking rare steak, and in moments, my plate is piled high with it.

“Eth, this place is great, but why did you drag us all the way here?” Leo asks. “There’s a Brazilian place much closer to work.”

“Yeah, man,” Jasper adds, “I’m taking at cab back to the office after this.”

“Guys, we had to come to a place where neither Ava nor any of herGlistencoworkers would ever come,” I say.

Most of the women atGlisteneat carrot sticks for lunch, maybe springing for something crazy like a Cobb salad when they’re celebrating their birthday. The chance of any of them ever stepping foot in a Brazilian steakhouse was pretty freaking slim. Still, I couldn’t risk it.

“The way I see it is that we have to act fast. Since big-mouth Leo here spilled the beans—”

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