Page 94 of From No to O

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So here's my advice (and this time, it's from personal experience):

1. Don't let societal norms dictate your experience. It's your body, your pleasure, and your journey.

2. Be honest with yourself and your partners. Authenticity in the bedroom (and beyond) can lead to more genuine connections.

3. Discover what you like. Maybe it's Kenny G, maybe it’s doggy style. Find your groove, literally.

To you, my lovely reader, I've always said knowledge is power. But honesty is pure liberation. So here’s to more honesty, more exploration, and definitely more O’s in our futures!



Holy shit,holy shit, holy shit. I read my column for the hundredth time, tweaking a word here and there, but never changing the gist of the message. How could I? I’ve turned over a new leaf and its name is honesty. I imagine some people will like the new me, and some won’t. But what really matters is that I like myself a whole lot more now that I don’t feel like a damn fraud.

I wanted to say more in my column, so much more, but it was already too long and my readers want to hear about sex and relationships, not so much about how my boss didn’t fire my ass for pretending to be someone I wasn’t, my friends supported me with a wild plan to find someone via a Craigslist ad, and three handsome men decided to help me address my problem in a way that kept me safe and sane.

In a future column I’ll tell them about all the positive that has shown up in my life in recent weeks, the unexpected good fortune I’ve been graced with, and what it’s like to be in love with three guys.

That’s right, I just used the ‘L’ word.

After the creepy ex, Bran, I wasn’t sure love was in the cards for me—ironic, given my line of work. But just because someone writes about what I do doesn’t mean they have it all figured out, that their life is perfect, and that they are multi-orgasmic.

And it’s that perfection I’ve finally realized I don’t need. I’m no superwoman. I have ups and downs like everyone and I’m no longer going to hide that from my readers. Pretending was a disservice to them. I’m done with that crap.

I just hope they aren’t done with me.

* * *



“Ava. Ava!”

I’m hustling down the street, hoping I’m not late for a talk I’m giving at Cool Vibes. When they found out about the journey I’d been on, they couldn’t get me in the shop fast enough for a night of conversation and wine with their patrons. They told me a ton of people RSVP’d, which has me a little nervous. I figured maybe five people would show up. Seems a lot of folks in New York have their own little challenges. I just hope sharing my story helps some of them.

When I hear someone shout my name again, I turn around. The sidewalk is jammed and I don’t see anyone who obviously called for me, so I keep walking. A second later, there’s a hand on my arm, stopping me mid-rush. Before I see who it is, a mild annoyance rushes over me. I’m going to be late if I don’t get my ass in gear.

But when I do see who it is, I am majorly annoyed.

It’s Bran. Of the small penis, of the New York Times engagement announcement, the man who used me as a placeholder while waiting for the woman of his dreams to come to her senses and agree to marry him.

My first instinct is to sayoh hi, how are you?but my days of being a phony are behind me. If I don’t like someone, it’s pretty likely I will be letting them know.

Like this one.

“I’m in a hurry. Please let go of my arm,” I say in a flat voice.

His eyebrows skip up, like he’s surprised at my indifference.

Suck it, mister.

“I… well, I haven’t seen you in a while. I wanted to say hi. And you look fantastic,” he says like he can win me over with lame-ass compliments.

“Thank you, Bran. Now if I can just be on my way—”

“Wait. Wait. Can we get coffee sometime? I’m just so stressed about life and you always made me see that things would be fine. I could use some of that Ava therapy right now.”

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