Page 9 of Fragile Scars

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“Are you fucking telling me I can’t handle my liquor?” His voice hovers right above a whisper. He clenches his right hand into a fist and places it on the table in front of him. His nostrils flare, and his eyes turn cold with scorn. “We’re leaving.”

He motions for the check, gives the waiter a few bills, and we’re on our way out the door. He walks rapidly ahead of me. The car’s conveniently parked right across the street.

I rush after him, hoping I don’t fall in my high heels, but fear he’ll leave without me. I enter the car just as he starts the engine.

“What’s wrong, Ash? You’ve barely spoken to me the entire time. Did I do something to upset you?” My voice is hitched in nervousness. I straighten the lace of my dress just as he guns the engine.

Tightening his grip on the steering wheel, his knuckles turn white. The car picks up more speed and he sends it erratically from lane to lane, flipping off the drivers honking at him. “We’ll talk about it when we get back to your place.” The words are said in a raised tone. My body is in panic mode, tingles spreading down my arms. I stare out the window, while my fingers massage my scalp and neck, trying to release the tension.

Once we arrive home, he gets out of the car, slamming the door. “Let’s go.” His voice shakes with barely controlled fury while my pulse hammers from within. I take a deep breath and slowly open the door. My legs are heavy as they make their way out of the car and toward my own personal hell.

Chapter 5


We walk silently inside. He glares at the elevator doors as if condemning them to eternal damnation. His spine straight, jaw clenched, he looks ready to obliterate anyone standing in his way. We make it to my floor in no time.

As I’m fidgeting with my keys, trying to open the door, he stands behind me, his breath hot and heavy on my neck. I close my eyes and open the door. He pushes me in with his chest and locks up. Needing to keep my distance, I make my way to the bedroom without looking back, my entire body trembling. I know something bad is about to happen.

He quietly follows me inside and shuts the door. “Strip.”

Stunned, I turn around wide-eyed. “What?”

He stomps forward, feet heavy, and lifts my chin with his thumb in one hard thrust. My eyes meet his, searching for something, anything that tells me what his intentions are.

His eyes bore soullessly into mine. “You heard me, I said strip.” His voice is cold and even. “Don’t make me ask you again.”

“You’re acting crazy. I’m tired. I’m going to bed.” I slowly make my way past him to go to the bathroom in the hallway. A sharp sting of pain registers in my scalp before I even realize he has my hair clutched tightly in his fist. My heart pounds in my chest, and I try to jerk away but I can’t. He’s too strong. Cold dread enters the pit of my stomach.

He throws me on the bed and presses his knee hard into my belly. The pain is unbearable. I whimper in protest, an ache rising in my throat and a sob escapes.

“I didn’t realize I was dating such a slut.” He digs his knee in deeper. I cry out in pain. “First, you flirt with your neighbor and then you flirt with our waiter,andright in front of me!” My breathing is labored, as fear from the toxin in his voice seeps through my flesh.

“I think you enjoy getting a rise out of me. Is that it, baby? Answer me!” His palm lands hard on my cheek. My face is on fire while sharp knives slice through my gut. The tears spill openly now. I can’t control the sobbing if I tried.

“You’re hurting me,” I cry out, but he ignores it. Had I been flirting with the waiter? No. No, this isn’t my fault. Maybe I smiled too long? Did I make too much eye contact?Shit! I know how he gets. I should’ve been more careful. I’m such an idiot. When will I learn? It’s hard to gauge how far he’ll go when he’s this angry. Sometimes, he stops before it gets out of hand, but other times, there are bruises. Lots of them.

I shake my head in protest. “I’m sorry baby, you’re right. I didn’t realize how stupid I was for smiling at him. I’msosorry that I hurt you. Can you please forgive me, Ash?” I plead, hoping he’ll at least take his knee off my stomach or maybe ease the pressure he’s exuding a bit, but he only pushes it deeper.

“How many times have I told you not to flirt with other men?” he spits out, pulling my hair harshly. Everything hurts.Someone make it stop. Please.

He leans in closer until we’re centimeters away, until I feel his breath on my face. “Do you like making them hard with those innocent fuck-me eyes? Do you picture them stroking themselves thinking of you?”

“Of course not! You’re the only one I want, baby. Please, believe me!” The tears fall freely from the corners of my eyes, but he laughs, mocking me.

“See, the problem is Idon’tbelieve you.” Letting go of my head, he makes lazy circles right between my breasts, and then he flattens his hand against my chest. It slowly begins to crawl up a little more each time and within seconds, he has my throat under his unrelenting grasp. He squeezes. Tightly.

My hands flail uncontrollably, the shock of being unable to breathe sends hot lava right into the middle of my chest.Is this how it ends?Maybe it’s for the best, maybe it’s the only way to escape him.

“Next time you decide to be a little whore, remember how easily I can kill you.” That tone is frightening as he finally lets go of my neck and stands up. His laughter fills the room while my chest fills back with oxygen.I place my palms over my chest, feeling every heartbeat. I was wrong. I don’t want to die.

“The look on your face! Do you not like being choked? I thought sluts like it kinky. I think we should try that next time we fuck. What do you think?” He backs up against the door and his gaze narrows. He slowly removes his belt and unzips his black slacks. My body goes rigid.No! He pulls down his pants and boxers, revealing that he’s semi-hard. My skin crawls. I close my eyes, wishing this night to end.

“Take off your dress. Now. Then get on your knees. You can keep your panties on. I just need your mouth.”

Nausea fills my stomach and I quell it. All I have to do is get this over with and he’ll leave.Please, leave,I silently beg. He never sleeps over. He hates my small apartment.

I sit and begin taking off my shoes. “No, keep those on.”
