Page 70 of Feral King

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There was only once choice.


I gave in. The moment I truly accepted that I was no longer in control was the most terrifying and the most liberating moment of my life. With a roar, he thrust into me especially hard, and I cried out, a sharp pang of agony ripping through me. He leaned over me, his chest flush against my back as his arms wrapped around my waist. Using his unparalleled strength, he lifted me up with ease and his teeth brushed against my shoulder.

I leaned back towards him, my arm reaching to cup the back of his head. He growled and I arched my back, taking his cock deeper in my bottom with his every thrust.

“Mine,” he snarled.

“Yours, my king,” I moaned.

His tail took me even more roughly, pumping harder than I thought possible into my sopping wet entrance. The wet sounds echoed all around me, salacious and wrong and perfectly right.

With a roar, his seed spurted deep inside my bottom while his teeth bore down on my shoulder. For the briefest of seconds, I felt the sharp tips of his teeth pierce my flesh, the stinging pain harsh, but in an instant, my body came alive with the brutal thrill of magic.

A golden thread joined my heart with his, braiding together and forming a connection stronger than time itself. His emotions became mine as mine became his, love and heartache and everything we’d ever felt shared as one.

I felt a profound shift within my being. It was as if an invisible cord was woven between our souls, intertwining our destinies in an unbreakable pair bond. The connection hummed with an electric energy, crackling with a deep power. Every fiber of my being resonated with a sense of familiarity, as if I had known Roken my entire life.

It was a connection that defied logic and explanation, transcending the barriers of time and space. With every soft breath and every touch shared, the connection between us grew stronger, weaving a tapestry of trust and love. In that bond, I could feel a reflection of my own hopes, fears, and dreams, as if he held the key to unlocking the depths of my soul.

Every nerve in my body came alive, firing over and over again as my eyes rolled back in my head.

This was true love.

I came so hard one final time that it was as if the world had stuttered out of existence for several dark seconds. My eyes rolled back in my head as I shattered into the most delicious orgasm of my life. Everything and anything paled in comparison to this as I broke into a billion pieces. My thighs quaked and my hips bucked, riding both thick appendages as my mate marked me as his once and for all.

My shoulder burned red hot as our hearts intertwined, and I floated in the realm that had become us.

My heart pounded along with his.



The bond between fated mates had no parallel. There was no love I had ever experienced that would be as deep as this, nor would I ever again.

I drew back, and as our eyes locked, an inexplicable surge coursing through my veins and a primal instinct stirred deep within me. It was as if an invisible force enveloped us, connecting our souls as one. In her gaze, I glimpsed a reflection of my own strength, determination, and unwavering loyalty. It was a connection that resonated on a level beyond words, instinctively drawing me towards her with an undeniable magnetism.

In that electrifying moment, I felt a surge of possessiveness, a powerful need to protect and cherish her. The bond between us pulsed with a raw intensity, awakening the dormant parts of my being and igniting a fire within.

It was a connection that transcended reason, pulsating with an undeniable energy that thrummed in my veins. In her presence, I found solace and a sense of purpose, knowing that together we would conquer the challenges that lay ahead.

I held her against me for a long time. Eventually, my cock softened, and I still continued to slowly fuck her, watching as my mark shifted until it settled into the shape of the earth dragon, a symbol that represented Terraheim and my family line of succession. It surged with green, fiery magic. Unable to resist, I leaned down and pressed my lips against her mark.

The taste of her blood was still sharp on my tongue.

I’d lost control, but it hadn’t been because of my curse. My own instincts had reigned free, without bonds and without the dark magic of Helheim to contort it.

Despite everything I’d done to try to fight this connection, Sophia had forced her way into my heart even though I’d shut it off to everyone and everything. Her sweet, gentle, caring nature had worked its way past my resolve and melted the defenses I’d erected around me.

The thread between us pulsed with her utter contentment, and I sighed with happiness. I leaned back over her and trailed tender kisses all around the mark as if I could take the soreness all over her body away. She sighed and curled against me.

“It is because of you, my sweet mate. This is all because of you. I love you, my Sophia,” I purred, and she melted into my arms.

“I love you too, my king,” she whispered, her voice hoarse with emotion and exhaustion.

With no warning, a vibrant green light burst forth, expanding from a singular point between us. Though we stood in the safety of an enclosed space, a gust of wind rushed around us, carrying the exhilarating surge of potent magic. The unmistakable essence of bright green sorcery swirled in the air, weaving its ethereal presence between our beings.
