Page 72 of Feral King

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“You’re the prettiest one of them all,” Roken murmured, as his arms wrapped around my waist. I shivered with warmth as his lips pressed against the side of my neck.

The town had come alive. Just last night, we’d received word that the last of Helheim’s soldiers had been wiped out, freeing Terraheim from the clutches of the Dark King once and for all. Now, the streets were crawling with people. The delicious aromas of freshly baked goods and extravagant meals wafted through the air, and I breathed in deep.

In celebration of Helheim’s defeat, Roken had declared that not only would there be a feast and copious amounts of drink, but a ball of epic proportions. Every man was wearing his best and every woman was displaying their most beautiful gown. Roken had called in the best seamstress in the city to rush a dress for me, and it had turned out to be the most beautiful thing that had ever touched my body.

I blushed, thinking about how it drew attention to my swollen belly, and almost as if he knew what I was thinking, Roken’s hands settled right on top of it.

“You look absolutely radiant with my baby in your belly, my queen,” he murmured.

“Your son,” I breathed, and he sucked in a breath.

“You know?”

I slid my hands over Roken’s, reaching for the magic deep in my belly. I touched the tiny tendrils of lightning, molding it and drawing it out bit by bit until my palms were glowing with it. He sucked in a breath, feeling my power for the first time.

I hadn’t shown him that I could do this before. I’d only just discovered it myself.

Since my transformation, every single one of my senses was heightened. I could see much farther out into the surrounding woodlands, so close that the vibrantly colored songbirds were in focus as they sang their musical melodies. My hearing was so sharp that I could make out each lively beat of their song. Down in the center of the market, a baker was just putting out a pan of sweet cherry tarts, and the sweet aroma was enough to make my mouth water as I imagined the freshly baked taste exploding across my tongue.

My magic swirled through my fingers, and then the imagery in front of my eyes changed as I showed Roken a vision of our future.

The first image was of the birth of our son. I was lying in our bed holding him for the first time while Roken sat beside me, his massive grin heartwarming and full of love.

The next image was of our son running through the forest as a toddler. He was giggling and laughing while his father chased him, hiding behind trees and surprising him, resulting in the cutest set of giggles I’d ever heard.

The last image was of the three of us sitting around the dinner table, eating a meal that I’d just taken out of the oven. The deliciously mouthwatering aromas of a freshly baked chicken and potatoes hit us both at once, and I heard Roken draw in a surprised breath beside me.

“Our son,” he whispered, his voice thick with a whirlwind of emotions.

“Our son,” I echoed, a wistful smile on my face.

I couldn’t wait to meet him.
