Page 105 of The Ice Kiss

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"You haven’t figured out your shit yet," he replies.

"That's what I’ve been trying to tell him," Edward agrees.

"I thought you guys already staged your intervention," my voice comes out sullen. I wince. I sound like a surly teenager, which is what I feel like when I’m confronted with these guys. Not Edward. I feel more of a kinship with him, considering the man has ghosts to deal with. Though you wouldn’t know it, given the polished appearance he’s taken on since becoming GM. Gone are his jeans and leather jacket. He’s more likely to be seen in the tailored suit like the one he’s wearing today. As are the four other men? Each on their own is a force to be reckoned with, but together, they pack enough assertiveness to not be ignored.

"I do not need you guys all up in my business."

JJ scoffs, "If you’d come to your senses, we’d have left you alone, but since you haven’t—"

"We didn’t have a choice," Sinclair adds.

"You need to figure things out before this gets out of hand." Michael glowers at me.

I glance at my watch. "I need to get to the hospital to check in on my Grams."

"We’ve done so already," Knight murmurs.

I stare at him.

"Gio’s there with her; so is Penny. Your Grams is conscious and in good spirits," Edward interjects.

"All the more reason to see her and make sure for myself," I snap.

“Which you will, once we’ve had this little tête-à-tête," Sinclair drawls.

"I don’t want to talk to you guys." I rise to my feet, but Knight grips my shoulder.

"Sit down, man." His voice is serious, the expression on his features even more so. I sink back down slowly, then ball my fingers into fists.

The men exchange looks, some kind of silent communication passes between them, then Sinclair folds his arms across his chest. "Why haven’t you come out and told her the real reason you wanted her to marry you?"

I arch an eyebrow in his direction. "I asked her to marry me because I love her."

"No denying that. No man would look at a woman the way you look at her if you didn’t love her." JJ’s voice softens.

Seems nothing stays hidden from my friends, assholes that they are. But they areinsightfulassholes. Smart enough to glean that not all is as it seems with me.

"But it’s not only that, is it?" Sinclair butts in.

"I don’t know what you’re talking about."

"Sure you do. And you don’t need to tell us what it is," Knight adds.

"But you need to tell her, before you marry her." Michael glares at me.

"You think I haven’t tried?" I squeeze the bridge of my nose, then pause. "Also, how did you guys find out?" I lower my hand and glance between them again.

"You think anything stays hidden from us?" Sinclair drawls.

"We take care of our own." Michael shrugs.

"What does that mean?" I scowl.

"That between us, we have the resources to ferret out skeletons in everyone’s closet and"—I begin to protest, but JJ holds up his hand—"we’re not apologizing. Since you weren’t getting a move on, and it was beginning to affect your performance—" he raises a shoulder.

I turn on Edward. "You’re behind this intervention?"

"I had to do something. The future of the team is at stake."
