Page 39 of The Ice Kiss

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"Gio, I’m so glad to see you." Douchecanoe—a.k.a. her ex— a.k.a. the captain of the team of our sworn rivals—rises to his feet. Before he can walk in her direction, I jump up and plant myself between them.

"Baby, did you manage to get some rest?" I cup her cheek. "When I left, you were sleeping so soundly, I didn’t want to wake you up. Also, how are you feeling today?"

Her gaze widens.

I search her features and infuse concern into my expression. "I saw you limping, honeybun. Is that an after-effect of our strenuous night?"

She glowers up at me.

"Not that I’m complaining. In fact, if it were up to me, I’d fill all your holes and—"

"What are you doing?" She slaps at my chest.

I feel her touch all the way to the crown of my cock. Goddamn, this woman. A touch from her, and I’m ready to rut into her like the beast I turn into when I'm around her. I wrap my arm about her shoulder and draw her up to her toes, then press my lips to hers. She melts into me, and I deepen the kiss. I thrust my tongue between hers, suck from her, ensure she’s plastered to me as I share her breath and drink from her, until her knees buckle. Only then, do I release her mouth, and peer into her flushed face.

"Much better." I grin.

She meets my gaze with eyes that are clouded with lust. And damn, if I don’t want to throw her down in front of her bloody-ex and take her right here.

The wankenstein clears his throat from somewhere behind me.

She blinks, then seems to remember where she is. "Have you lost your mind?" she snaps.

"I have from the moment I saw you," I agree.

Her flush deepens, her pupils dilate, then she glances away. "Rick, please—" She swallows. I peruse her features, and the blush deepens.

"You smell like me, baby, and fuck, if that doesn’t make me happy." I bend and press a kiss to her forehead, then turn, and with my arm about her shoulders, face Dennis.

"What are you doing here?" she asks.

He looks between us, a pinched look on his features. He takes in my arm about her and his eyes flash. He also has a bandage over his nose which pleases me no end. If I could, I’d smash my fist into his face until his features are re-arranged, but I’m going to have to save that for a time when neither of us are playing. I don’t want to risk the careers of my team members by getting embroiled in another controversy. A part of me wants to say fuck it to everything and simply punch him until he doesn’t dare to set eyes on her again.

"I came here to apologize, Gio,” he begins.

"That’s Mac to you," I snap.

"Mac?" He blinks.

"Her call sign. Ergo, that’s what you call her from now on, understand?"

His frown deepens. "What’s happening Gio? I wanted to see you and apologize and—"

"You’ve apologized. Now get gone. Also don’t call her Gio."

"Now look here." He thrusts out his chest. "I’m talking to my girlfriend—"

"Your ex-girlfriend, who is now my fiancée."

"—and who are you to—" He does a double take as if my words have only registered. "Did you say your—"

"Fiancée, whom I’m very much in love with so, if you’ll excuse us…" I nod in the direction of the door.

The bastard’s jaw hangs open. "You’re engaged?" He frowns at her.

"I am," Goldie murmurs.
