Page 47 of The Ice Kiss

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"This ring you gave me. Did you mean it?" She raises her left hand, and I glance at my grandmother’s ring on her finger.

"I wouldn’t have given it to you if I didn’t."

Her breath catches. "Rick, this is a fake engagement."

"And we need to make sure everyone believes it isn’t."

"So you gave me a family heirloom?" she bursts out.

"I’m all set to let you feel up the family jewels; a family heirloom doesn't seem like much in comparison."

She looks at me stunned, then a laugh bursts from her lips. "Who’d have thought the surly captain of the Ice Kings has a wicked sense of humor?"

"Who’d have thought the thorny PR manager of the Ice Kings knew me so well?"

She looks away, then back at me. "You answered all the questions about me correctly."

"You seem surprised."

"No more than you."

We stare at each other, and the tension building during the course of the ride threatens to spill over.

"What are we doing, Rick? What’s happening between us?" she bursts out.

"What’s happening is that we're attracted to each other. And now that we’re engaged"—I reach for her hand, encircle her wrist and raise it so the ring on her finger stands out—"I think we should fuck it out."

Her jaw drops. "Typical man. Have a problem? Sex is the answer, of course."

"Not any kind of sex. I’m talking sweaty, heated, erotic, kinky, no-need-for-lubrication, toe-curling, heart pounding, fuck-you-till-you-can’t-walk-straight for days—"

"I get the picture," she cuts in. Her voice is shaky, her breathing roughened. Color sweeps up her neck and paints her cheeks, and damn, but she looks hot and bothered. And so fucking adorable. Did I say adorable? I meant, sexy. I mean,alsoadorable. But definitely, sexy.

"So, what do you say?" I lower my chin to my chest.

She tugs her hand from mine and shoves the door open. "I say, go to hell."


Georgina’s To Do List

Wake up at 5 am, meditate for fifteen minutes.(OMG, I can’t meditate. Every time I close my eyes, I see his face. And feel his skin. And imagine I have my nose buried in between his pecs, and the throb of his cock under my palm—stop, stop, stop.)

Go to the gym at 5 am - half-hour workout.(WTF? This is the third day in a row I’ve forgotten to set my alarm. This has never happened before.)

Healthy breakfast – oats? Croissant.Chocolate croissant. I deserve it after putting up with that alphahole!

Get to the office by 8 am and get through all emails by 9 am.

Avoid thinking about the Dick. Newsflash: His dick really is BIG. (Why am I thinking about his dick?)

Healthy lunch – salad, no dressing.

Search for new flat ASAP. For the time-being, the room at the hockey house will do. It’s not because there’s a guilty pleasure in sharing the room with the Dickhole. Nope. That’s not it.

Start that grapefruit diet??????

Need to shave legs, and other parts. It’s not for him. Nothing to do with him. This is for me.
