Page 59 of The Ice Kiss

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"Why didn’t you let me come?" she cries.

"Do you think you deserve to come, Goldie mine?"

She blinks rapidly.

"Do you?"

She slowly shakes her head.

"Good girl."

Her chest rises and falls; a whine escapes her lips. "I am so aroused, I might self-combust."

"Excellent." I reach for one of the wet wipes on the dash and rub it over her fingers. Then I bring them to my nose and sniff. I wipe them again, sniff, then nod.

"What are you doing?" She clears her throat.

"Making sure no one else can smell the evidence of your arousal."

Her already flushed features turn a bright red. "Do you have to be so uncouth?" She coughs.

"Do you have to be so coy?"

"You don’t have to spell out every little detail of our… Whatever it is we're doing." She waves at the space between us.

"You mean my bringing you to the edge without even touching you?"

She glowers at me. "You don’t have to look so pleased, and you better let me come next time, you hear me?"

In a flash, I’ve unsnapped my seatbelt, leaned toward her and wrapped my fingers round the nape of her neck. "What did you say?" I ask in a voice infused with dominance.

She draws in a sharp breath, and a flicker of excitement threads through her gaze. "I said, you’d better let me come, you—" She gasps, but I swallow the sound as I close my mouth over hers. Her lips, her scent, the beating of the pulse at the base of her neck, the bite of her fingertips as she digs them into my shoulders and holds on… All of it sinks into my blood, empties my mind of all thought, and cranks up the lust in my bloodstream, until all I can feel is this overpowering need to own her, possess her, to have her in every way possible, to make her mine.Mine. Mine.

I tilt my head, deepen the kiss, and with a sigh, she melts into me. She kisses me back with a hunger that has my lust flaring, deepening, extending to every part of my body, my cells, my very soul. I tear my lips from hers, pull back enough that she has to withdraw her hands, and stare at her, chest heaving, breath coming in pants.What insanity is this that I only have to touch her to feel like every part of me is being taken over with this overpowering need to claim her? What witchcraft is this that she holds so much power over me? Why does she affect me so? Why her? Why now? Why, when I’ve been happy with my life so far? When I’ve rededicated myself to the game I love. When I ...

She reaches up to touch my face, and I grab her hand. "Don’t. If you touch me again, I won’t be able to stop."

"So don’t."

"I also think you were right."

"About what?"

"We need to set some boundaries."

"I don’t understand." She blinks.

"I mean"—I release my hold on her neck and sit back—"I think we should keep up the pretense of being a couple only in front of others and not when we’re alone."

"What do you—"

There’s a rap on my window. I turn to find Grams peering in through the glass. "You two coming in any time soon?"



We need to set boundaries. Boundaries.So that’s it? One minute, we’re kissing; the next, the man’s withdrawn his affections and his touch and sucked all the warmth back into himself.
