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Chapter 15

After the meeting ended, Archer insisted that Rarity stay seated while he and Sam put everything away.

“You realize tomorrow I’m going to be up and doing everythingmyself again.”

“Actually, Shirley’s coming in early to help open with you, and she’ll be here all day,” Archer corrected her. “It’s Mommy and Meday, remember?”

“Yes, but Shirley doesn’t work a full dayon Wednesday.”

Archer grinned at her. “She does tomorrow. Be mad at me, not her. I adjusted your schedule. Caleb will be here Thursday afternoon, but Jonathon will be here in the morning. He’ll just be working on a project, but if you need anything,he’ll be here.”

“So you got all the babysitters in place? You’re still staying at the house?” Rarity felt a little guilty that everyone was uprooting their lives for her. “What about all that discussion we just had where the group decided I was just collateral damage and the guy was going after Sam?”

“That’s a great theory, but I’m not risking your life on a theory. Anyway, you love being around people all the time, right?” Archer laughed at the look she gave him. “Don’t worry, I’ll give you space at the house. Tell yourself I need to make sure you’re safe because I’m clingyand all that.”

“Sure, you’re horribly clingy.” Rarity rubbed Killer’s ears. He wasn’t letting her out of his sight either. “I guess I’m just going to have to get used to it.”

She glanced at the notes Shirley had added to her notebook. Something was ringing a bell, and she couldn’t quite place it. Mostly because she was tired and confused and, yes, had a head injury. She closed the notebook. She’d go back tomorrow and look through the discussion. Sam was right on one thing. Marcus would be a perfect suspect if she wasn’t there to declare his innocence. But Janey’s sister. Rarity would have bet money on the sister being involved. Yet she had an alibi. Maybe she didn’t kill her, but Rarity wasn’t willing to give up totally on blaming Trish. She could have paid someone or had an accomplicedo it for her.

“You look deep in thought.” Archer had returned and had Killer’s leash. He clipped it onto his collar and lowered the dog to the floor. Then he held out his hand. “Ready to head home? I’m warming up soup, and I brought home fresh rolls for dinner earlier.”

She took his hand and stood. “When didyou have time?”

He kissed her forehead. “Ihave my ways.”

* * * *

The next morning, Rarity felt better. She still ached all over, but the pain was gone. She got up and swam, which eased out more aches. She was just getting out of the pool when Archer came out to the backyard with coffee. She wrapped her oversized towel around her and took the cup. “Thanks,I needed this.”

“Are you going into work?” He sat at the table on the deck.

“Yes. I’ve been closed long enough. I’d say my month was going to be down, but we’ve been having such good response to the book clubs, I think I’m good for now, but I don’t want to push it. I’d rather put the extra money into the capital outlay fund. I know that air conditioner is older than dirt.”

“True.” He glanced at his watch. “I need to get in as well. I’ve got some follow-up on the group from last weekend, and I’ve got a hike scheduled for tomorrow morning. I’m sure you don’t want to get up and be at the store by five tomorrow, do you?” He actuallylooked hopeful.

“You and Drew really think I need someone watching me all the time?” She unconsciously reached back to touch the bump on her head. “Didn’t we decide it was Sam the guy was after? Maybe we should be focused on keeping someone with her.”

“She has someone with her. Marcus. And Drew’s been checking in.” Archer chuckled. “It makes Marcus uncomfortable to have Drew in the house, so he’s been stopping by a few times a day.”

“Men and their games.” She took another sip of her coffee. “If you think I still need someone around tomorrow morning, I’ll get up early and let you walk me to the bookstore. Then Jonathon can meet me there whenever he wants. I’ll keep the doors locked until nine, which should give him enough time to get over there.”

“You won’t take Killer out for a walk?” Archer knew she would, especially if Killer needed it.

“I’ll keep the food up until the store opens. And with walking him to the store, he should sleep for a good four hours.” She could see Archer frown at the wordshould.“And I’ll take a potty pad just in case. I promise I won’t go outside.”

“Okay, then. Tomorrow’s set. I’ll walk you to work this morning, Jonathon will be there at nine until Shirley arrives, then I’ll pick you up on the way back to the house. Any thoughts for dinner?”

After they chatted for a bit, she got ready for work, and when she got back out to the living room, Archer was sitting on the couch, talking to Killer.

“Now you be a good guard dog and watch out for your mommy this week. If you feel like someone’s a bad guy, you make sure to tell her,” Archer told Killer as the little dog stared at him, trying to understand the words.

“Killer’s on the case. He’s a great guard dog.” Rarity went over and got his leash off the hook by the door.“Ready to go?”

“Whenever you are.” He stood and followed Killer to the door, turning off lights as he passed them. When he reached the doorway, he met her gaze. “I’m only here for safety reasons, but it’s been nice spending a lot of time together this week.”

“Every couple should have a possible stalker issue. That way they could find out if they like to be together in stressful situations.”

“I know you’re kidding, but it does have a certain logic. Maybe that’s why weddings are so stressful. If you can get through that together, you can do anything.” He shut the door and checked the lock. Then he waved at Terrance, who was sitting on his porch. “Was ita good night?”
