Page 92 of Had to Be You

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"You are pregnant with twins."

Not only was she pregnant, she was having twins?

That information seemed unfathomable, but then, when she thought about it, Knox’s brother had twins, and her sister did, so she supposed it ran in the family.

Still…twins. She remembered how exhausted Lori was when the boys were born. And she had her nieces, Marissa and Marianna, who were eight and six at the time and loved helping take care of the boys. Not only that, she had her husband, and Laura’s parents lived next door.

Even with all of that, her sister still talked about how much work the twins had been when they were babies.

"Okay…" Dr. Reynolds highlighted something on the screen and then dragged a little mouse across it. "It looks like baby A is measuring at eight weeks and two days."

Eight weeks and two days. Laura flipped back the mental calendar in her head. That meant that she’d gotten pregnant the first time she and Knox had been together.

Dr. Reynolds moved the wand, and she saw the little mouse appear on the screen again. "And baby B is measuring at…eight weeks and two days as well."

After the exam, Dr. Reynolds told her that it was early and she needed to rest and take care of herself, especially because at her age, her pregnancy was considered a "mature" pregnancy. He prescribed prenatal vitamins for her and explained some complications and what to look out for.

She was trying to be present and pay attention to everything he was telling her, but she felt like Charlie Brown, and everything he was saying was just "Wah, wah, wah." It was as if she were floating outside of herself. Her brain had gone on vacation. No thoughts were forming in her head.

"If you have any questions later, you can email the office."

Laura watched as Dr. Reynolds left the room. She stood up from the table and slid the paper gown off her shoulders.

Her movements were on autopilot as she got dressed and went out to pay for the visit. She was given several recommendations for an OBGYN. Her plan had always been to go to her gynecologist, but she was closer to Whisper Lake than Destiny Springs.

She’d been considering moving home if she was going to have a baby, and that was before she found out that she was having two. She wasdefinitelygoing to be moving home with twins.

Twins. Two babies.

She felt like she was having an out-of-body experience as she walked out to her car and got inside. She picked up her phone and almost called Knox but stopped. Technically, he was the father of her baby, er, um, babies, but he was also just a glorified sperm donor.

If she’d thought this would actually work, she never would have agreed to it. Now, she wasn’t just going to have some faceless, nameless person out in the world who was her babies’ daddy.

Now she knew exactly who he was.

What had she done? How had her plan backfired so badly? Or had it?

She was going to be a mom. She placed her hand on her stomach and took a deep breath. That was all she’d ever wanted to be. And now it was happening.

As she sat in the car, the reality of the situation was sinking in. Part of her was furious for being so reckless. If she’d believed that she could actually get pregnant, she would have never had sex with Knox. But if she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have two babies growing inside of her.

More tears started forming in her eyes, and she knew that she had to call someone. She couldn’t call her mom or sisters; she wasn’t ready to tell them yet. So she dialed Kennedy.

"Hey girl, I was just—"

"Kennedy…" Laura’s voice was shaking.

"Hold on one second."

Laura heard Kennedy excuse herself from a meeting, then the sound of a door opening and closing.

"Hey, is everything okay? Did you go to the doctor?"



"I’m pregnant." Saying the words out loud made it seem real to Laura.
