Page 93 of Had to Be You

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"Wait… what? Are you sure?"

Laura held the ultrasound in her hand. "Yes. And there’s more."

"There’s more?"

"It’s twins."


"Yes, twins."

"Have you told Knox?"

"No. He’s not… He doesn’t even...” The dam that had been held back broke, and tears began to pour down her face.

"Where are you? I’m going to come to you?"

"I’m still in the parking lot at the doctor." Laura sniffed back the emotion and did her best to pull herself together. "I have to go open the shop."

"I have a showing at noon, but I can grab us some club sandwiches from Drawbridge and stop by for lunch."

"No, it’s okay." Laura was scared that if Kennedy came to the shop for lunch, she’d lose it, and then if customers came in, she’d be a mess. "I’ll call you tonight when I get home."

"Okay, and Laura..."


"This is good news. You’re gonna have two babies. Congratulations, sweetie!"

Laura smiled as tears continued to flood down her cheeks. "Thanks, love you."

"Love you. Call me if you needanything!"

"I will."

As she drove back to Whisper Lake, so many thoughts were going through her head. She needed to put her home up for sale. Her business up for sale. She needed to tell her family.

And Kennedy thought she needed to tell Knox. Did she?

What if she just didn’t say anything to him and let him leave town?

He was only going to be in town for a few more weeks. Before the first time they’d had sex, he’d sent her paperwork that released him from any legal obligation and renounced any rights to the baby.

Were they even legally binding?

Did it even matter?

Knox had made it clear he was not interested in having a family. He didn’t want to have a child, much less two.

She didn’t have any answers right now; all she knew was that her dream was finally coming true. She was going to be a mom. Of twins. That was enough on her emotional plate for today.


“You’ve been unusuallyquiet today. Everything okay?" Knox’s mom asked as she lifted her arms and adjusted his tie.

It was the same tie that he’d used to tie up Laura.

"I’m fine." He shifted, and her hands dropped to her sides.
