Page 94 of Had to Be You

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Her brow wrinkled in concern. "Is this about your brother?" I thought you were happy that he was—"

"I am." Knox could not be any happier that today was the day that Ford was going to walk down the aisle with Chrissy.

"So what is it? Is it wanderlust? Have you been in one place for too long?"

"I’m fine, Mom. Really."

Knox wished that’s what it was. He had one more week on his short-term lease, and the time seemed to be slipping through his fingers. It felt like just yesterday he’d driven into town and come to the exact same castle for a wedding of two people he didn’t even know. Now he was back at the castle to witness his brother walk down the aisle.

He loved Chrissy. He loved Chrissy’s kids. He loved hanging with Keaton. He loved the Needlepoint Mafia ladies. He loved hanging out at Lanterns. He loved running around the lake. He loved Jennifer Lopaws. He loved Sofia Purrgara. And, most importantly, he loved Laura.

That was the one that made him feel like he’d just been kicked in the nuts. Especially considering she’d been acting so distant from him the past week or so. She’d been feeling under the weather, so he was trying not to take it personally, but he had to admit he was. They hadn’t hooked up since the night she’d shown up at his house to apologize.

When he’d gone in to see her at the Snack Shack, she was cordial to him when he went in, but she’d said she was too tired to see him after work. He knew that she was still feeling some aftereffects of the flu and had suggested, more than once, that he just come over and hang out. But she declined his self-invite every time. She was acting more distant than ever, and he didn’t know what to do about it.

Just like he didn’t know what to do about his realization that he was in love with her.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked to see if she’d texted him back. He’d messaged her this morning to see how she was feeling and if she was going to make it to the wedding.

There was no response from her.

"It’s time," Jessa announced.

She’d been the unofficial wedding coordinator today. The wedding party was small, but the entire town, it seemed, had shown up for Chrissy’s day. They’d even had to utilize the valet parking because of the number of guests.

He’d been waiting in the holding area with both his brothers, Keaton, his mom, and Chrissy’s son, Connor. Her daughters and the twins were with Chrissy.

"Okay, you can walk your mom down the aisle."

His mom took his arm, and he guided her to the front seat. He went back and then walked out with Ford. As he stood looking out over the guests, he couldn’t help but be disappointed that he didn’t see Laura. She wasn’t coming. Knox was doing his best to pay attention to the ceremony, but all he could think about was the curvy beauty that had stolen his heart.

Thankfully, the nuptials were short and sweet.

Before he knew it, the officiant announced, "You may now kiss the bride."

The crowd erupted as Ford bent down and kissed Chrissy. Once the ceremony was over, he had to spend about an hour taking pictures with the bride and groom up at the castle. Once they got to the party, there was the first dance and toasts.

Knox sipped a beer and was wondering when it would be an appropriate time for him to slip out. The only thing he knew was left was the cake cutting. He wondered if anyone would notice if he snuck out before then. He checked his phone again and saw that Laura had still not texted him back.

He set down his beer and was about to head out to the parking area when he looked up and saw her. It was like the scene in Ever After when Drew Barrymore enters the ball. Laura was standing at the top of the steps that led down to the reception area that overlooked the town.

She was wearing a light blue dress that was form-fitting and had a slit up to her mid-thigh. Her hair was down around her shoulders, and just like Drew from Ever After, she looked like an angel.

His heart clenched in his chest as he walked toward her.

When he reached her, he held out his hand and breathed, "You came."

She nodded.

"Would you like to dance?"

She nodded again. As he guided her to the dance floor, he knew that tonight was going to be the night. He was going to tell her that he loved her. And he was going to do it in the same spot they’d had their first dance.

* * *

Ishouldn’t have come, Laura thought to herself over and over again as Knox pulled her into his arms on the dance floor.

She’d almost left when Kennedy texted minutes before the ceremony, saying she wasn’t coming because she had a family emergency. Her grandmother had been rushed to the hospital.
