Page 108 of The Echo of Violence

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Thumping on the door steals our attention.

“I hate to be a cock-block, but we gotta go, Jinx,” Mercy’s voice calls out from the other side of the door.

“Shit,” I curse, smoothing my hands down my T-shirt and cut. “I’ve gotta go.”

“We’ll catch up later,” Eightball tells me with a smirk.

I hurry for the door, one hand on the knob, when Knight calls my name. I turn around, each of them watching me with heat in their eyes despite the fact that they just came hard.

“Freshly fucked looks good on you.”

I roll my eyes and yank the door open, wondering if they did that shit on purpose as a way to mark their territory. It sure as fuck felt like I was being branded when Splinter massaged his cum into my skin.

“You have fun?” Mercy teases.

“I’ve had worse,” I reply, pulling the door closed behind me to the sound of their growls. “I’m in so much trouble.”



“Got to ride out to the mother chapter if anyone is interested. Viper wants a face-to-face, and Boomer is heading out to visit his dad.” Scope sits himself down at my table. “I need a buffer, or I’m likely to push him into traffic.”

I shrug. “I’m in. I have nothing on till later, anyway. Knight’s at work, Eightball’s at the body shop, and Jinx is with your missus.”

“How come you’re not at the range today?”

“It’s been quiet lately. There’s not enough work for the three of us, and since I get a cut regardless of whether I’m there or not, I’ve dropped to part-time for now.”

“Anything we should be worried about? I always thought the gun range was pretty popular.”

“It is for the most part, but it all depends on what’s happening in the media. A series of crimes being committed in the area—burglaries, rapes, breaking and entering, and shit like that—always leads to busy days at the range. When there is a mass shooting, though, things cool off for a little while.”

“Ah.” He nods, probably thinking about the school shooting three weeks ago that happened not far from the neighborhood I grew up in.

“I need to grab a couple of things before we go. Meet you out front in… thirty minutes?”

“Works for me.”

I sip my Coke as I watch him walk away. My eyes landing on Tiny as she approaches. “Not interested, Tiny. Got a woman warming my bed now who won’t take too kindly to you coming on to me.”

“Oh no, it’s not that. It’s actually about Jinx. I heard that she and Mercy are opening a women’s center.”

“That’s the plan.”

She wrings her hands together. “Do you have any idea when they might be up and running? I can help—”

I hold my hand up to stop her. “I’m not the right person to ask, Tiny. You’ll have to talk to Mercy or Jinx yourself.”

She nods, biting her lip. “Men are easier. I always know where I stand with them. Women are harder. It’s understandable, right? I’ve slept with their boyfriends. They have no choice but to hate me.”

“It’s not like that with Jinx and Mercy.” I don’t actually know if that’s true. I’m not sure I could keep my cool around someone who had fucked Jinx regularly.

“I have a sister. She’s not like me. She’s a good girl. Never did anything wrong but fall in love with a bad man.”

“She need help?”

She hesitates before nodding. “Yes, but she’s not ready yet. One day she will be, and I’ll be there, ready to yank her out. I just need somewhere safe to put her because I’m all she has, and I’ll be the first place her old man comes looking.”
