Page 117 of The Echo of Violence

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“You ladies armed?”

“No. But we both have guns and permits. They’re on the driver’s and passenger’s seats so that you can see them.” I raise my arms and turn slowly so they can see me. Mercy does the same.

“You the one that called it in?”

I nod. “Some guy in a Ford Focus tried to force us off the road.” I go on to tell him everything that happened, but when I get to the part where I shoved the asshole over on purpose, I tell him I overcorrected and knocked him over accidentally.

“You check on him?” the second cop asks.

I shake my head. “The guy tried to run us off the road. I wasn’t taking any chances that he wasn’t armed. Just because we carry doesn’t mean we want to be in a gunfight.”

The cop nods, but the first cop doesn’t look impressed.

“We’re in no condition to climb down there, officer, not without risk to ourselves. My friend is pregnant, and me…” I pull the legs of my jeans up, revealing my prosthetics.

“Right. Of course,” he backtracks. I bite back the snicker at how uncomfortable he looks.

“We didn’t know what to do, so we called you and waited for you to turn up.”

“You did the right thing. Can you both sit in the back of the car so we can take your statements? I’ll send one of the paramedics over to check you both out.”

“Of course.”

We walk slowly over to their cars. Mercy sits in the back of one, and I’m moved to the back of another, where I tell the story all over again. I’m not worried about Mercy. I know she’s got me covered.

The paramedics are just finishing up with me and moving to Mercy when I see Nico outside the window. The cop that was taking my statement moves aside once I’ve signed it and lets Nico crouch down in front of me. “You, okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, promise. I’m more worried about Mercy. She’s pregnant. None of the guys know yet, so keep it to yourself,” I murmur the last part.

“Officer Denkins?” Nico calls out to the officer who just took my statement.

“Are they free to go now? I want to take them to the hospital to get checked out.”

“Paramedics are already on it. They gave your girl gave the once-over and said she was fine, but they’re just finishing up with the other one. You can go as soon as they give me the okay.” He turns to me again. “We need to impound your car for evidence. You will get it back in a few days.”

“That’s fine. Can I collect my things from inside? Purse, keys, phone, money, guns?”

“Hold on, let me ask my superior.”

He walks away as Nico offers me his hand and helps me up.

“Where’s Rex?”

“Over there with Mercy. You haven’t told the police you know who it is?”

“Nope. As far as they know, Mercy and I sat in the car until they arrived. I never mentioned the MC at all, and our cuts are on the back seat, so they don’t know we have links to Chaos.”


“Don’t play dumb. I know the guys told you.”

“The question is, why didn’t you?”

“I was going to. I wanted to make sure it was a good fit first. I was also going to talk to you about it tonight.”

He sighs before kissing my temple. “You’re going to give me gray hair.”

“That ship has sailed, my friend.”
