Page 127 of The Echo of Violence

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“Hey, I’m Reese. The one dry humping Mercy is Dulce.”

“Jinx. Mercy has said good things about you. You’re the one who owns a gym, right?”

“Something like that. This place is awesome, by the way. Loads of potential. You guys figure out exactly what you want yet?”

I roll my eyes. “You should ask Mercy that.”

Reese laughs as Dulce and Mercy pull apart.

“Hey, I’m Dulce.” She walks over to me with the sleek grace of a catwalk model before wrapping her arms around me.

I look at Mercy for help, but she cracks up laughing.

“Yeah, she’s a hugger. Good luck with that.” Reese chuckles.

Dulce pulls back and grins up at me. “I’ve been so excited to meet you. Wow, you have amazing boobs. Can I feel?” She grabs them before I can say anything, then sighs wistfully. “I used to have great boobs, but then the parasites destroyed them.”

I look at Reese, who rolls her eyes to the ceiling. “Please stop referring to your children as parasites.”

“Umm… your boobs are still pretty awesome. I mean, you have this whole Victoria’s Secret model thing going on.” She beams a dazzling smile at me.

“Well, you’re my new favorite.”

“I thought I was your favorite,” Mercy pouts.

“Yes, yes, you’re special too.”

“Bitch.” Mercy laughs.

“So, what are we doing down in a dusty old basement? Not that I mind basements. I once tortured a man to death in a basement, using nothing but kitchen utensils. Ah, good times.” Dulce smiles wistfully.

“Dulce, your crazy is showing again,” Reese says, snapping her out of her daze.

“Oh shoot, my bad. So, what’s the plan?”

I shake off the direction my thoughts are going, figuring it would be safer to have these women as allies than enemies. Besides, I like how… quirky they are.

Mercy jumps in with her vision of the place. Reese leans closer to me. “Want to show me where the gym area will be?”

“Sure. Mercy, we’re heading upstairs. Don’t go anywhere without me.”

“As if I’d do that.”

“You did it last week because you wanted a sandwich.”

“I said I wouldn’t do it again. Geez. Besides, you have the keys to the car.”

“Yeah, well, fool me once and all that.”

I make my way upstairs, holding on to the handrail because I do not trust these stairs not to crumble beneath me. I walk Reese to the back of the building and open the last door on the left, revealing the huge open space.

“Oh, this is perfect. You have an idea how you want it set up in here?”

“Honestly, that’s why Mercy suggested calling you in. My idea is to teach self-defense here. I have a few people lined up ready to teach classes, specializing in different areas, but there’s more to self-defense than just learning the moves.”

She nods. “Confidence goes a long way. And some of the people coming here, I imagine, will be in rough shape. So they need ways to build up their stamina and fitness.”

