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There is something fucking off about this whole situation. Not Wizz snapping at me. I wasn’t showing him the respect he thinks he deserves, so I expected it. No, there is something off with Mercy. She’s the queen—in the coveted top spot—yet she looks like it would take the tiniest blow to shatter her.

I don’t think it’s her men. I haven’t been around Wizz and Kaz, but Scope is clearly obsessed with her. There is not a single doubt in my mind that he would kill anyone who disrespected her and use their intestines as a bow tie.

Focusing back on Wizz for a minute, I notice the club bunnies have edged a little farther away, likely not wanting to get caught up in any trouble. Mercy bites her lip as I blow out a breath. Fuck it. He wants to do this? Fine, let’s do this.

“Bikers and old ladies, I get. Ride and die all the way. You want a woman to come home to who will wash blood out of your clothes and dig bullets out of your skin, no questions asked. She’s a soft spot to land and an alibi. Treat her like a queen, and she’ll treat you like a king. Club whores, though, I don’t get. Bikers like sex. Don’t we all? But don’t you ever wonder who’s cum you’re tasting when you kiss one? You all look like extras from Magic Mike. I doubt any of them”—I encompass the other bikers in the room before pointing to the others at the table—“or any of you, pre-Mercy, had trouble picking up women. If the face doesn’t do it, the cut will. But bikers are lazy and want sex on tap. It’s like 1-800-dial-a-hoe, and one will arrive hot and steamy, or you get another one for free. Do you have an app where you can place your order? That way, you never have to leave your seat.”

Silence. Nobody says anything until Wizz starts laughing. “I like this app idea. It has merit.”

“Of course you do.”

“They live here, so they don’t need to order. They just have to cough, and a bunny’s clothes fall off.” Mercy sighs.

My eyes narrow on her, assessing. “Where do you live?”

“Here too. The four of us share a space downstairs.”

“What about the other old ladies?”

“There’s just me.”

I pause before looking around again. “How many club girls do you have?”

“None of your—” Kaz starts before Mercy interrupts him.


“Damn. At least you don’t have to deal with this all the time, right? I think it would get real old real fast if you did.”

Mercy dips her head at my words and crosses her arms over her chest as Kaz stands. “Who the fuck do you think you are, coming in here and passing judgment?”

“I’m Mercy’s friend, and it looks to me like she could use one.”

Mercy’s head whips up before she swallows. “It’s every day. What you see now is quiet because some of the guys are still at work.”

I look around at the guys, sure my expression is conveying precisely what I think about that. “Why?”

“We’re bikers. What the fuck aren’t you getting?” Kaz snaps defensively.

“She’s your old lady. I hardly know her, and even I can tell how much she’s struggling. Do you get off on watching your brothers fuck the whores?”

He rears back, looking at Mercy. “No.”

I narrow my eyes. "Are you fucking them?"

"Fuck no!"

“Then why are you acting like this is all okay? Friday and Saturday nights, I get. Like you so eloquently put it, you’re bikers, and this is a clubhouse. But it’s also Mercy’s home, and you treat it like a porn set. Jesus, she must really fucking love you all.”

Now, everyone is looking between me and Mercy.

“Mercy?” Kaz says softly.

She blows out a breath, her whole body deflating. “I love you…”

When she says nothing else, I reach across the table and place my hand down, palm side up. Mercy stares at it for a minute before sliding her hand into mine, hopefully drawing a little strength from me. Now is her chance to speak up.

“I want to dance in the kitchen in my underwear to nineties rap music. I want to eat without worrying that I might accidentally get hit with a cum shot. I want to be able to go a whole day without watching people have sex. The girls being here is fine. The ones that came here with us from the mother chapter are nice enough. The newer ones, I don’t really know. But as understanding as I am, every day I’m surrounded by people you’ve slept with. The only reprieve I get is when I go to bed. Honestly, I don’t even know why you bothered to make me your old lady. Like Jinx said, all you have to do is snap your fingers, and someone will jump on your dick. I feel like I have to be on my game every day, if I’m in the mood or not, because there are nine other women here to take my place if I fuck up. And then what? Do I just switch places with them? They move to the bunker, and I move to the kitty rooms?”
